
Jenő was born in Baranya county, Gödreszentmárton.

He started woodworking out of necessity. While he was building his house, the carpenter who was supposed to make windows and doors fell ill, so he decided to make them himself!

He has been carving Trees of Life for many years. He has always been a keen walker, and once during a long walk, he stopped in Hejce in Zemplén County and became friends with the woodcarver Sándor Nemes, and he introduced him to making the tree of life.

He carves trees of life using the ancient Hungarian pattern treasure. His work can be seen in many parts of the country. In the summer of 2007, on the occasion of the ÁRPÁD YEAR, he organized an international creative camp; not only they created Tree of Life for 27 micro-regions, but on the closing day, they unveiled a one and a half times life statue of Prince Árpád.

Hungarian 🇭🇺

Jenő a Baranya megyei Gödreszentmártonban született.

Kényszerűségből kezdett el fafaragással foglalkozni. Miközben a házát építette, az asztalosmester, akinek az ablakokat és ajtókat kellett volna készítenie, megbetegedett, ezért úgy döntött, hogy maga készíti el azokat!

Évek óta faragja az Életfákat.

Mindig is lelkes volt, amikor gyaloglásról volt szó, és egyszer, egy hosszú séta alkalmával megállt a Zemplén megyei Hejcén, és összebarátkozott egy Nemes Sándor nevű fafaragóval, aki bevezette Jenőt az életfa-készítés tudományába.

Ősi magyar mintakincs felhasználásával farag életfákat. Munkái az ország számos pontján láthatók. 2007 nyarán, az ÁRPÁD ÉV alkalmából nemzetközi alkotótábort szervezett: nemcsak 27 kistérség életfáját készítették el, hanem a zárónapon leleplezték Árpád fejedelem másfélszeres életnagyságú szobrát is.

Slovenian 🇸🇮

Jenő se je rodil v okrožju Baranya, Gödreszentmárton.

Z obdelavo lesa se je začel ukvarjati iz potrebe. Ko je gradil svojo hišo, je mizar, ki naj bi mu izdelal okna in vrata, zbolel, zato se je odločil, da jih bo izdelal sam!

Že več let izrezuje drevesa življenja. Že od nekdaj je bil navdušen sprehajalec in nekoč se je med dolgim sprehodom ustavil v Hejcah v okrožju Zemplén in se spoprijateljil z rezbarjem Sándorjem Nemesom, ki mu je predstavil izdelavo drevesa življenja.

Drevesa življenja izrezuje po starodavnem madžarskem vzorčnem zakladu. Njegova dela si lahko ogledate v številnih delih države. Poleti 2007 je ob priložnosti leta ÁRPÁD-a organiziral mednarodni ustvarjalni tabor; ne le da so-ustvarjali drevesa življenja za 27 mikro regij, ampak so na zaključni dan odkrili tudi kip, ki je poldrugi krat večji od princa Árpáda v živo.


Lendava Bogračfest 2021

Bograč is a traditional Slovenian meat stew that was supposedly invented by Hungarian shepherds when Prekmurje was under Hungarian rule. The stew consists of four types of meat—traditionally pork, beef, venison, and boar—which are simmered along with potatoes, onions, spices, wine, and optionally mushrooms.

The dish was named afterbogracs—a traditional cauldron in which it is still prepared today.


Botond is a rising star who discovered his love for music and enthusiasm for piano at a very young age. He is presently pursuing his classical piano studies at the Art School in Szombathely. In addition, he desires to continue his studies at the famed Ferenc Liszt Academy of Music in Budapest. He is a young and skilled pianist, and he will undoubtedly have a long and fruitful career ahead of him. If you like to be featured in "Örségiek" or wish to nominate someone, do contact us!

Hungarian 🇭🇺

Veleméren Botond egy feltörekvő csillag aki már fiatal korában megmutatta a zene iránti szeretetét és lelkesedését. Jelenleg is Szombathelyen zeneiskolában a klasszikus zongorai tanulmányait folytatja. Továbbá, a híres Liszt Ferenc Zeneművészeti Egyetemen szeretné folytatni tanulmányait Budapesten. Ő egy fiatal ügyes zongorista aki előtt tagadhatatlanul hosszú és virágzó karrier áll.

Slovenian 🇸🇮

V Velemeru je Botond vzhajajoča zvezda, ki je svojo ljubezen do glasbe in navdušenje nad

klavirjem pokazal že zelo zgodaj. Trenutno nadaljuje študij klasičnega klavirja na univerzi At School v Szombathelyju. Poleg tega si želi nadaljevati študij na Ferenca Liszta v Budimpešti.

Je mlad in izurjen pianist, pred katerim nedvomno leži dolga in plodna kariera.


János in Szentgyörgyvölgy

Janos was born and raised in Budapest, where he spent his adolescent years. He showed artistic ability when he was a toddler. He had a solid desire to sketch, but the years of the Soviet rule of Hungary were difficult, and he was unable to pursue his dream of attending art school.

He had a graphic show when he was 18 years old. At the same time, he began to work as a sculptor, and by the age of 30, he had shown his work and received official acknowledgement for his efforts. He is a professional sculptor since 1985.

He lived in Zalaergseg, but he relocated his workshop to Szentgyörgyvölgy because he needed a place in the countryside to work freely due to the noise and dust created by working with marble.

He loves Lake Balaton, where he also lives. He once said, "is alpha and omega for me. I live side by side because I admire it all the time, and it calls me back in all seasons. "

Janos is well renowned and appreciated. His work can be admired in many public places around Hungary and Slovenia.

He orders the marble from the Carrara caverns in Italy, and the largest he ever made was out of a piece of marble that measured 3mt x 2mt in size.

Hungarian 🇭🇺

János Budapesten született, nőtt fel és a serdülőkorát is itt töltötte. Még csak járni tanult de már megmutatkozott a művészet iránti tehetsége. Szeretett rajzolni de a Szovjet uralom Magyarországon igen kemény volt, így nem tudta beteljesíteni az álmát, hogy művészeti iskolába járhasson.

18 évesen már volt saját rajz kiállítása. Ugyan ekkor, elkezdett szobrászkodni és 30 éves korára bemutatta a munkáit és hivatalos elismerést kapott értük. 1985-óta hivatásos szobrász. Zalaegerszegen lakott de, átköltöztette a műhelyét Szentgyörgyvölgyre mivel szüksége volt egy helyre ahol szabadon dolgozhat a munkájával járó por és zaj miatt. Imádja Balatont, jelenleg is ott él.

Egyszer ezt mondta, „Alfa és ómega számomra. Itt élek mellette mivel folyton csak csodálom, és az év 4 évszakában visszahív.” János különösen híres és elismert szobrász. A munkáit rengeteg közhelyen meg lehet csodálni Magyarországon és Szlovéniában.

A márványát Olaszországból rendeli a Carrara barlangokból, a legnagyobb munkája egy 3m x 2m-es darabból készült.

Slovenian 🇸🇮

Janos se je rodil in odraščal v Budimpešti, kjer je preživel mladostniška leta. Umetniške sposobnosti je pokazal že v otroštvu. Imel je trdno željo, da bi risal, vendar so bila leta sovjetske vladavine na Madžarskem težka in ni mogel uresničiti svojih sanj ter obiskovati umetniško šolo.

Ko je bil star 18 let, je imel grafično razstavo. Hkrati je začel delati kot kipar in do 30. leta je razstavljal svoja dela ter prejel uradno priznanje za svoje delo. Od leta 1985 je poklicni kipar.

Živel je v Zalaergsegu, vendar je svojo delavnico preselil v Szentgyörgyvölgy, ker je potreboval kraj na podeželju, kjer bi lahko svobodno delal zaradi hrupa in prahu, ki ga je povzročal pri delu z marmorjem.

Obožuje Blatno jezero, kjer tudi živi. Nekoč je dejal: "Zame je alfa in omega. Živim ob njem, ker ga ves čas občudujem, in kliče me nazaj v vseh letnih časih. "

Janos je dobro poznan in cenjen. Njegova dela je mogoče občudovati na številnih javnih mestih na Madžarskem in v Sloveniji.

Marmor naroča iz jam Carrara v Italiji, največji, ki ga je kdaj izdelal, pa je bil iz kosa marmorja, ki je meril 3m x 2m.

Creating beautiful photo on your own

I have been recently asked to post some basic tips for new photographers

So welcome to your first issue of Photography Tips & Tricks. Inside each issue of Photography Tips & Tricks you will learn valuable tip's, tricks and information on how you can take great photos that you will be proud to show off.

In today's issue, we are going to go through some quick tips that you can use to create beautiful photography of your own. Photography is much more than just taking pictures of things. It is an art form and can help us remember some of our most treasured memories. However, few people actually take the time to wait for that gorgeous shot and may doubt their ability to do it effectively. This article contains some great tips for improving your photography skills and capturing beautiful photographs that will be appreciated by many.

One of the most common photography mistakes is people not taking the time to truly understand their camera. If you have a decent digital camera, it comes armed with many features that can be used to enhance the quality of your photographs such as different light settings or flash speeds.

You've probably often heard that using your flash outdoors is unnecessary to take great pictures. Wrong! Unless there is very bright sunlight outside, you should still be regularly using your flash. Even on cloudy days, picture quality can become compromised by not using a good outdoor flash setting.

Many people are quick to jump at photo opportunities and just take any old picture. However, the secret to great photography lies in taking the time and having the patience to wait for the perfect shot to come along. If you are photographing still items, set them up exactly how you want them before taking your first shots. If your subject is on the move, take multiple shots with a rapid-picture camera to ensure you get the best picture possible.

Our first inclination is to snap pictures of objects that are centred in the camera's lens, but taking off-centre pictures can be a great way to spice up your photographs. Taking a picture of a subject that is off- centered in the photo adds an interesting element people may not expect to usually see and can get your photographs noticed.

When photographing people, always make sure to avoid direct sunlight in the background of the photo. This will make odd shadows and add an undesirable element to the picture. Position the people so the sun is to the side, but not shining directly in their face either. This will cause the subjects of your photograph to be squinting uncontrollably. Pictures that have multiple subjects or a busy foreground can highly benefit from a simple background to keep attention directed toward your subjects. However, if a simple background isn't available, many cameras can be focused to the foreground. This will cause the background to become more subtle and blurry, thus eliminating a busy background setting.

If your camera has a macro -photography feature, use it! The macro feature has the ability to focus in on very tiny subjects close up and is a great way to portray a lot of detail on a very small area. Things like small insects will immediately come to life with the use of this feature and will help you get great shots of the smaller things in life.

As you can see, photography takes patience and skill, but with a little practice, you will be able to get great shots every time. By utilizing the ideas presented in this article, you will be able to spice up your photography, add detail and variety to your shots, and create lasting memories through the art of photography.

Make sure you look for your next issue soon. We will be going over the basics of photography - a little refresher!

Ildikó + Laci

The desire of being able to live and work in contact with nature brought Ildikó, an agronomy graduate, and Laci, to the area five years ago.

While Laci continues to work remotely from the beautiful environment, together they started their own little farm in Velemér. Ildikó, an agronomy graduate, now runs it successfully

And organically grows vegetables and breed animals, almost becoming food self-sufficient. Ildikó especially enjoys cheesemaking and now her Tündérke label is well known in the area for its delicious handmade cheeses

Hungarian 🇭🇺

A vágy, hogy a természettel érintkezve élhessenek és dolgozhassanak, hozta ide öt évvel ezelőtt a friss agrármérnök diplomás Ildikót, és Lacit.

Míg Laci továbbra is távmunkában dolgozik a gyönyörű környezetből, ők ketten együtt Veleméren indították el saját kis gazdaságukat.

Ildikó, agronómus végzettségével ma már sikeresen vezeti ezt.
És organikusan termeszt zöldségeket és tenyészt állatokat, mára közel élelmiszer-önellátóvá vált.
Ildikó különösen szereti a sajtkészítést, és mostanra Tündérke nevű márkája a környéken jól ismert finom kézműves sajtjairól.

Slovenian 🇸🇮

Želja, da bi lahko živela in delala v stiku z naravo, je diplomirano agronominjo Ildikó in Lacija privedla na to območje pred petimi leti.

Medtem ko Laci še naprej dela na daljavo iz čudovitega okolja, sta skupaj ustanovila lastno majhno kmetijo v Velemérju.

Ildikó, diplomirana agronomka, jo zdaj uspešno vodi ter ekološko prideluje zelenjavo in redi živali, tako da je skoraj postala prehransko samozadostna.

Ildikó še posebej uživa v izdelavi sira, njena blagovna znamka Tündérke pa je zdaj dobro znana v območju po svojih okusnih ročno izdelanih sirih.

Rozsi + Ernő

Rozsi lives in a beautiful and rural area of Velemer, surrounded by nature. Since many years she is happily married, and her husband Ernő is the present Mayor of the village.

She tends to their vegetable garden regularly, and she precisely prepares the vegetables. They have many hens, who can roam freely on the street, around the house, and in the neighbouring fields during the afternoon of most days!

They both fondly recall a time when more people were living in the community. You might have come across farmers and workers even further up the village, and there were many sounds.

Hungarian 🇭🇺

Rózsi Velemér egy gyönyörű és falusias részén él, a természettel körülvéve.

Sok éve boldog házasságban él, férje, Ernő, pedig a falu jelenlegi polgármestere.

Rendszeresen gondozza a veteményeskertjüket, és precízen készíti el a zöldségeket.

Sok tyúkjuk van, amelyek szabadon kóborolhatnak az utcán, a ház körül és a szomszédos földeken a legtöbb nap délutánján!

 Mindketten szívesen emlékeznek vissza arra az időre, amikor még többen éltek a településen.

Találkozhattak a falutól feljebb is földművesekkel és munkásokkal, és sok hang is volt.

Slovenian 🇸🇮

Rozsi živi v čudovitem podeželskem kraju Velemer, obkroženem z naravo. Že vrsto let je srečno poročena, njen mož Ernő pa je sedanji župan vasi.

Redno skrbi za njihov zelenjavni vrt in skrbno pripravlja zelenjavo.

Imajo veliko kokoši, ki se večino dni lahko prosto sprehajajo po ulici, okoli hiše in na sosednjih poljih v popoldanskih urah!

Oba se z veseljem spominjata časov, ko je v skupnosti živelo več ljudi. Morda je obiskovalec na kmete in delavce lahko naletel še dlje v vasi, veliko pa je bilo tudi zvokov.

The impact of hashtags on Instagram

More and more platforms use hashtags, which means more information is publicly available to social media users. Twitter was the first platform to adopt hashtags, and since then, they have also appeared on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google+, and Pinterest. [8, 19, 20]

While Facebook works to make its platforms hashtag-friendly, there are a lot of hashtag generators for Instagram and a number of other online tools you can use. You can search the search bar for a particular hashtag, and then click on hashtags that come from other services, such as Instagram. Alternatively, you can take the search results and create a post directly from there. When you select a relevant hashtag for your company profile, look for the most commonly used hashtag on Instagram. This provides data on which hashtag is popular and thus makes it possible to investigate your competitor's social media accounts by searching through your own social media posts and their social media accounts using an online tool. 2, 6, 10, 18

My favourite program to search, analyze and help e with Hashtags is for sure IQHASHTAGS

I use it on a daily basis and is open all the time in my browser, it helps me discover where and how to get ideas for your hashtags, find popular hashtags, and determine which hashtag size is the best fit for your profile, but also checks which hashtags have performed best and have provided the biggest reach for your content and profile. A hashtag with a more extensive reach means more likes and followers. Analyze the connection between the time of your post, engagement, hashtag reach.

Screenshot 2021-03-03 at 09.55.47.png

In addition, using community hashtags to brand your hashtag is a way to increase the number of Instagram users who can see your post. Even more importantly, Instagram gives you the ability to use many hashtags in your posts, so you can use between 0-30 hashtags that give you more attention and reach when you address various related hashtags. It can also seem spammy to ram a hashtag into people's Instagram Stories and use the maximum number of hashtags at all. You don't have to promote the hashtag often in a post on Instagram Stories, but ask your followers to share the post with it. [Sources: 0, 10, 13, 14]

If you find a hashtag for your own Instagram post, let it be simple: You could use # cybermonday2017, for example, not # cyber Monday 2017. [Sources: 11]

The purpose of hashtags is to ensure that the hashtag you use is relevant to your target audience, so that more users and accounts are involved. If you use a hashtag with the intention of discovering content, you can put the right hashtag in front of your target audience if you have never been connected to it. If you take the time to use hashtagged, you'll make a decision about whether or not it fits your social media strategy. Although hashtagging is a great way to promote your business, please make sure it is specific. [Sources: 7, 16]

It doesn't matter how well you use hashtags on Instagram if your users can't connect with you or understand your content. [Sources: 3]


While hashtagging on Twitter can definitely help your social media presence (hashtags are designed to make it easier for you to find things and connect with others), using a long, verbose hashtag like # bestcoffeeshopintheworld can hurt your presence. In addition to the long hashtag, using too many of them in a post can also damage your social media presence and damage your brand image and connectivity. [Sources: 9]

Another advantage of using hashtags on Instagram is that they are still searchable while they are in the comments section, but the first comment is hidden from people's feeds. Users can follow the hashtag they are interested in to ensure that content with this hashtag appears regularly in their feed. When you post a photo on Instagram, Tailwind's hashtags and First Comment tool will post your hashtag as the first comment to keep your comments clean and look good. Any post that uses a hashtag will push you to its page where you can follow it and view the top of the post, along with the most recent one. [Sources: 3, 4, 15, 16]

Using trending hashtags in your social media posts helps you reach a wider audience and increase brand awareness across the social media universe. You can see your post by reading different hashtags and then deciding whether it's worth following, which means that hashtag is a great way to increase your audience. On the contrary, using a more specific hashtag on Instagram can help build a larger audience for your business. Using a hashtag in an Instagram post not only boosts your followers, but also strengthens your art business and makes your long-shared world easier to find. [Sources: 1, 8, 9, 11]

Now, let's get to the reason why you should use hashtags in your Instagram marketing campaigns. On Instagram, the use of hashtags in Instagram photos allows companies to influence their target audience and create brand awareness. This form of branding comes in many forms, such as social media posts, blog posts and tweets, and advertising. [Sources: 5, 12]

Hashtags on Instagram are useful because they help other Insta users discover their profile, which can ultimately increase the likelihood of getting more followers. If your post uses trendy hashtags or relevant to your business, you will be visible to a larger group. [Sources: 9, 12]

My suggestion is to give a free trial to IQHASHTAGS and see a huge improvement in your followers and interactions

*Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are our own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission.























Éva: The passion for Haban Majolica

Eva is originally from Budapest, and she first came to Velemer in the 1980s, where she fell in love with the area.

It was more than thirty years ago that she began working with ceramics, and after years of study, she opened her own workshop in Budapest. Around 2004, she became interested in the art of Haban pottery-making.

More or less on the very same year with her husband decided to relocate to Velemér and set up a workshop, which quickly became increasingly popular with local residents and tourists alike.

Because of the high quality of the clay, the Velemér Valley has traditionally been one of the most important pottery sites in the country, and according to historical documents, it was also where the Habans lived in the 16th century.

Eva also has a keen interest in and affection for the ceramics of the Italian Renaissance. When she travelled for work, on the search of the Habans in Italy, during 2007, she stopped at Deruta, near Assisi, and there she learnt the secrets of majolica manufacturing from the Masters!

Éva Workshop in Velemer

Hungarian 🇭🇺

Éva eredetileg Budapestről származik, és az 1980-as években látogatott először Velemérre, ahol beleszeretett a környékbe.

Több mint harminc évvel ezelőtt kezdett el kerámiával dolgozni, és hosszú tanulóévek után megnyitotta saját műhelyét Budapesten. 2004 körül kezdett el érdeklődni a habán kerámiakészítés művészete iránt.

Nagyjából még ugyanabban az évben férjével úgy döntöttek, hogy Velemérre költöznek és műhelyt nyitnak, amely hamarosan egyre népszerűbbé vált mind a helyi lakosok, mind a turisták körében.

A kiváló minőségű agyag miatt a veleméri völgy hagyományosan az ország egyik legjelentősebb fazekas helyszíne, és a történelmi dokumentumok szerint a 16. században itt éltek a habánok (hutteriták) is.

Éva az olasz reneszánsz kerámiákhoz is vonzódik és élénk érdeklődéssel tekint rájuk.

Amikor 2007-ben munkája miatt a habánok felkutatása céljából Olaszországba utazott, megállt az Assisi melletti Derutában, és ott a Mesterektől tanulta meg a majolikakészítés titkait!

Éva Workshop in Velemer

Slovenian 🇸🇮

Eva prihaja iz Budimpešte, v Velemér pa je prvič prišla v 80. letih prejšnjega stoletja, nato se je v to območje zaljubila .

Pred več kot tridesetimi leti se je začela ukvarjati s keramiko in po letih

študija odprla svojo delavnico v Budimpešti. Okoli leta 2004 se je začela zanimati za umetnost izdelovanja habanske keramike.

Več ali manj istega leta se je z možem odločila preseliti v Velemér in ustanoviti

delavnico, ki je hitro postala vse bolj priljubljena tako med lokalnimi prebivalci kot tudi med turisti.

Zaradi visoke kakovosti gline je bila dolina Velemér tradicionalno eno izmed najpomembnejših lončarskih najdišč v državi, po zgodovinskih dokumentih pa naj bi tam v 16. stoletju živeli tudi habani.

Eva goji močno zanimanje za keramiko italijanske renesanse in je do nje tudi naklonjena.

Ko je leta 2007 službeno potovala, da bi poiskala habane v Italiji, se je ustavila

v Deruti blizu Assisija in se tam od starih mojstrov naučila skrivnosti izdelave majolike!

Éva Workshop in Velemer

Check Örsegi page here

Mirtill and the Eagle

Mirtill is the daughter of a well-known Hungarian actor, while her mother was a textile artist. You can tell she's an artist as soon as you cross her powerful eyes, which is really quickly!

She first came to the Velemer region as a teenager when she discovered the Holy Trinity Church. (Szentháromság) dedicated as well to King St Stephen (Szent István király).

Several years later, she returned to Velemer and found herself at ease and with positive and good energy, leading her to decide to settle in the area.

She has been living in a beautiful house for the past four years, which she is currently restoring and intending to expand by renovating an old cottage. She is also working on constructing a studio space for her textile art. She has hens, ducks, Indian Runners, turkeys, and other farm animals.

The rectangular aisle-less church of Velemer, to which a tower is attached on the north facade, is aligned east to west, customary in mediaeval times. It is associated with the idea of praying in the direction of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem and the idea of vital force and energy. While it contains characteristics of the Romanesque style, it also includes elements of the Gothic style.

The frescoes in the church, painted by János Aquila of Radkersburg between 1377 and 1378, left an impression on Mirtill. In particular, the Eagle of St. John the Evangelist.

Hungarian 🇭🇺

Mirtill egy ismert magyar színész lánya, édesanyja pedig textilművész volt. Már akkor látszik rajta, hogy művész, amikor az erőteljes tekintetével találkozik az ember, ami tényleg hamar megtörténik!

Tizenévesen került először a Velemér környékére, amikor felfedezte a Szentháromság templomot, amelyet Szent István királynak is ajánlottak. Azonnal nyugalmat és intenzív energia jelenlétét érezte itt.

Néhány évvel később visszatért Velemérre, és ismét nyugalomra és jó egészségre lelt, ami arra késztette, hogy úgy döntsön, letelepedik a környéken.

Az elmúlt négy évben egy gyönyörű házban lakik, amelyet jelenleg felújít, és egy régi házikó felújításával szándékozik bővíteni. Egy műterem kialakításán is dolgozik a textilművészetéhez. Vannak tyúkjai, kacsái, indiánfutói, pulykái és egyéb haszonállatai.

A téglalap alakú, hajó nélküli templom, amelyhez az északi homlokzaton egy torony csatlakozik, a középkorban megszokott módon kelet-nyugati tájolású. Ez a jeruzsálemi Szentély irányába történő imádkozás, valamint az életerő és az energia gondolatával függ össze. Miközben a román stílus jellemzőit hordozza, a gótikus stílus elemeit is felvonultatja.

A templom freskói, amelyeket 1377 és 1378 között festett radkersburgi Aquila János, nagy hatást gyakoroltak Mirtillre. Különösen Szent János evangélista sasa.

Slovenian 🇸🇮

Mirtill je hči znanega madžarskega igralca, njena mama pa je bila umetnica pri delu s tekstilom. Lahko se vidi, da je umetnica, takoj ko ji pogledaš v njene močne oči!

V Velemer je prvič prišla kot najstnica, ko je odkrila cerkev Svete Trojice (Szentháromság), posvečeno tudi kralju sv. Štefanu (Szent István király). Takoj je začutila občutek miru in prisotnost tamkajšnje intenzivne energije.

Pravokotna cerkev brez hodnikov, na katero je na severni fasadi pritrjen stolp, je poravnana od vzhoda proti zahodu, kar je bila navada v srednjem veku. To je povezano z idejo molitve v smeri svetega templja v Jeruzalemu in idejo vitalne sile in energije. Čeprav vsebuje značilnosti romanskega sloga, vključuje tudi elemente gotskega sloga.

Freske v cerkvi, ki jih je med letoma 1377 in 1378 naslikal János Aquila iz Radkesburga, so pustile vtis na Mirtill. Še posebej Orel svetega Janeza Evangelista.

Nekaj ​​let kasneje se je vrnila v Velemer in se spet začutila mir ter dobro počutje, zaradi česar se je odločila, da se bo ustalila na tem območju.

Zadnja štiri leta živi v lepi hiši, ki jo trenutno obnavlja in jo namerava razširiti s prenovo stare koče. Dela tudi na izgradnji studijskega prostora za svojo tekstilno umetnost. Ima kokoši, race, indijske tekače, purane in druge domače živali. \

Check Örsegi page here

Feri and his vegetable garden

Feri was born and raised in Velemer, where he now lives alone.

In the beginning, Feri and his parents worked together to construct the original house.

The vegetable garden is essential to him, and it not only looks beautiful, but it also produces a large number of veggies, far too much for Feri to consume, but it serves as a reminder of his late mother. She used to take great pleasure in taking care of it. So it is for him a solid and lovely connection with her.

He is reviving the old-fashioned practices that his mother used. For example, to irrigate the field, he needs more than 40 buckets of water, which he then transfers to smaller ones for water not to harm the plant and its roots!

In the olden days, every single household in Velemer, as well as in rural Hungary, used to have a vegetable garden. It was essential to provide food for the family, but it was also a matter of pride to grow the best, richest, and tastiest produce. Some of Feri’s plants, particularly those of the spice Paprika, have been passed around for decades or more!

Hungarian 🇭🇺

Feri Velemérben született és nőtt fel, ahol ma egyedül él.

Kezdetben Feri és szülei együtt dolgoztak az eredeti ház építésén.

Nagyon fontos számára a veteményeskert, amely nemcsak gyönyörűen fest, de rengeteg zöldség is terem ott, túl sok is ahhoz, hogy Feri maga elfogyassza mindet, de ez a néhai édesanyjára is emlékezteti, aki nagy örömmel gondozta a kertet. Számára ez egy erős és kedves kapcsolat vele.

Feleleveníti azokat a régimódi praktikákat, amelyeket az édesanyja alkalmazott. Például a szántóföld öntözéséhez több mint 40 vödör vízre van szüksége, amit aztán kisebb vödrökbe tölt át, hogy a víz ne tegyen kárt a növényben és a gyökereiben!

Régen Velemérben és a vidéki Magyarországon is minden egyes háztartásban volt zöldségeskert, mivel nagyon fontos volt a család élelmezése, de egyben büszkeség kérdése is volt, hogy a legjobb, leggazdagabb és legízletesebb növényeket termésszék. Feri egyes növényei, különösen a fűszerpaprika évtizedekig vagy még tovább is öröklődtek!

Slovenian 🇸🇮

Feri se je rodil in odraščal v Velemerju, kjer sedaj živi sam.

Feri in njegovi starši so skupaj gradili hišo.

Zelenjavni vrt je zanj zelo pomemben. Ne le, da lepo izgleda, ampak daje tudi veliko zelenjave, veliko več kot jo Feri lahko porabi. Gre za spomin na njegovo pokojno mamo, ki je včasih zelo uživala pri tem. Zanj predstavlja močno in ljubečo povezavo z njo.

Oživlja staromodne prakse, ki jih je uporabljala njegova mama. Na primer, za namakanje polja porabi več kot 40 veder vode, ki jih nato pretoči v manjša vedra, da voda ne poškoduje rastline in njenih korenin!

V starih časih je imelo vsako gospodinjstvo v Velemerju, ter na splošno na podeželju na Madžarskem, zelenjavni vrt. Zelo pomembno je bilo zagotoviti hrano za družino, prav tako pa so bili ponosni, da imajo najboljši, najbogatejši, in najbolj okusen pridelek. Nekatere Ferijeve rastline, zlasti začimbne paprike, se prenašajo naokoli že desetletja ali celo dlje!

Check Örsegi page here

Irén in Velemér Orseg

Irén lives in Velemér, where she was born in the early 1930s.

Her parents built the house where she now resides between 1945 and 1956 with a great deal of love, care, and attention. In addition to Irene's love of pastel colours, most details can still be seen today.

During a wedding reception in 1956, she met Sándor, her future husband, for the first time; he had only recently returned to the area after working away in Budapest for several years. As a result of his inability to find work, his friends advised him to relocate away from the neighbourhood.

His family had, in fact, suffered as a result of Communism's repression. They had been evicted from their home and their land during the years of the "kolkhoz," a farming cooperative set up in rural areas of Hungary at the time of Soviet Union occupation.

When they were younger, they farmed their land and kept some animals, including everything from cows to pigs to chickens. Irén has fewer chickens now, but she still has a fantastic vegetable garden, which she lovingly tends to every day.

She is a mother, grandmother and great grandmother, and three generations live nearby.

Not to mention she knows how to brew an excellent coffee!

PS to read more about communism in rural areas I suggest :


Hungarian 🇭🇺

Irén Velemérben él, ahol az 1930-as évek elején született.

A házat, amelyben él, a szülei építették 1945 és 1956 között sok-sok szeretettel, gondossággal és figyelmességgel. Az eredeti kialakítás részletei még ma is láthatók Irén pasztellszínek iránti rajongása mellett. 

1956-ban egy lakodalomban találkozott először Sándorral, a jövőbeli férjével, aki csak nemrégiben tért vissza a környékre, miután éveken át dolgozott Budapesten. A barátai ajánlották neki, hogy költözzön el a környékről, mert itt nem tudott munkát találni.

A családja a kommunista elnyomás áldozata volt. Ki lettek lakoltatva az otthonukból és a birtokukról a „kolhoz” idők alatt. A kolhozok mezőgazdasági szövetkezetek voltak Magyarország vidéki területein az orosz megszállás idejében. 

Amikor fiatalabbak voltak művelték a földjüket és számos állatot tartottak a tehenektől és a disznóktól kezdve a csirkékig. Irénnek már csak néhány csirkéje van, de van egy csodálatos zöldséges kertje, amelyet minden nap szeretettel gondoz. 

A családjának három nemzedéke él a közelben, akiknek anyja, nagyanyja és dédnagyanyja.

Ráadásul kiváló kávét tud főzni! !

Slovenian 🇸🇮

Irén živi v Veleméru, kjer se je rodila v zgodnjih tridesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja.

Hišo, v kateri zdaj prebiva, so njeni starši zgradili med letoma 1945 in 1956 z veliko ljubezni, skrbi in pozornosti. Poleg Iréninega navdušenja nad pastelnimi barvami je še danes mogoče videti detajle prvotnega oblikovanja.

Leta 1956 je na svadbi prvič srečala Sándorja, svojega bodočega moža, ki se je šele pred kratkim vrnil na to okolico, saj je pred tem kar nekaj časa delal v Budimpešti. Prijatelji so mu svetovali, naj se preseli iz soseske, ker ni mogel najti delo.

Njegova družina je bila žrtev komunistične represije. V letih »kolhozov«, kmetijskih proizvajalnih organizacij, ustanovljenih na podeželskih območjih Madžarske v času ruske okupacije, so jih izselili iz njihovega doma in posesti.

Ko sta bila mlajša, sta obdelovala svojo zemljo in gojila številne živali, vse od krav in prašičev pa do kokoši. Irén ima zdaj le manjše število kokoši, ima pa še vedno fantastičen zelenjavni vrt, za katerega z ljubeznijo skrbi vsak dan.

Je mama, babica in prababica, v bližini živijo tri generacije njene družine.

Povrhu vsega zna skuhati odlično kavo!

Check Örsegi page here


With the assistance of a fantastic friend, I embarked on a new photographic endeavour.

While the project will be mainly photographic in style, featuring portraits in black and white and primarily taken using Leica cameras, it will also include video. We will also be collecting stories, anecdotes, memories, ideas, views, experiences, and recipes from locals in our neighbourhood over the next few months, which we will post on this website.

Specifically, we will focus on an "extended" Orseg area that may include the Slovenian Raab-Goricko. We will not necessarily be looking for people born in Orseg but may have relocated here; whether it has been 30 years or 2 months, it does not matter.

We will be looking for interesting folks that are either creating something unique or have a compelling tale to tell.


Belekezdtem egy új fotós projektbe egy fantasztikus barátommal.

Leginkább fotós elemei lesznek fekete-fehér portrékkal, amelyeket elsősorban Leica kamerákkal készítünk, de lesznek benne videók is. Emellett történeteket, anekdotákat, emlékeket, ötleteket, látványokat, tapasztalatokat és recepteket is gyűjteni fogunk a helybéliektől az elkövetkező néhány hónapban, amelyeket megosztunk ezen a weboldalon.

Konkrétan szólva Őrség „kiterjesztett” területére fogunk összpontosítani, amely magában foglalhatja a szlovén Raab-Goričko régiót is. Nem feltétlenül csak olyan embereket fogunk keresni, akik Őrségben születtek, hanem akik át lettek ide telepítve, nem számít, hogy 30 éve vagy 2 hónapja.

Érdekes embereket fogunk keresni és felfedezni, akik vagy valami egyedit alkotnak, vagy pedig van egy lebilincselő történetük.


S pomočjo fantastičnega prijatelja sem se lotil novega fotografskega projekta.

Čeprav bo projekt v glavnem fotografski s črno-belimi portreti, ki bodo posneti predvsem s fotoaparati Leica, bo zajel tudi video vsebine. Prav tako bomo v naslednjih nekaj mesecih zbirali zgodbe, anekdote, spomine, ideje, razglede, izkušnje in recepte od domačinov v naši soseščini, ki jih bomo objavili na tej spletni strani.

Natančneje se bomo osredotočili na »razširjeno« območje Őrséga, ki bi lahko vključevalo tudi slovensko pokrajino Raab-Goričko. Ne bomo iskali le ljudi, ki so bili rojeni v Őrségu, ampak tudi tiste, ki so bili preseljeni oziroma premeščeni na to območje, ne glede na to, ali je minilo 30 let ali 2 meseca.

Iskali bomo zanimive ljudi, ki bodisi ustvarjajo nekaj edinstvenega ali imajo osupljivo zgodbo.

Choosing the Right Lens

Every owner of an interchangeable-lens camera is faced with the pleasant dilemma of picking the most appropriate lenses to buy, then deciding which to use. However, there are no rules to go by; much depends on your personal style and what you already own. To help you decide which lenses to buy and how best to use them, we offer the following.

Every owner of an interchangeable-lens camera is faced with the pleasant dilemma of picking the most appropriate lenses to buy, then deciding which to use. However, there are no rules to go by; much depends on your personal style and what you already own. To help you decide which lenses to buy and how best to use them, we offer the following.

Normal lenses: Today, many 35mm photographers opt for a short zoom instead of a 50mm, but both have their virtues. If you need a fast, general-purpose lens in the f/1.4-f/2 range for available-light work, nothing can beat a 50mm. Positives: Usually more compact, lighter than a short zoom; often less costly; generally very sharp; provides brighter viewing image. Negatives: No zooming; you must compose by moving the camera.

Short zooms offer framing flexibility, often in a package not much larger than a 50mm lens. A 35-70mm f/3.5-4.5 is usually the smallest and least expensive, but a 28-70mm f/3.5-4.5 is more useful for shooting interiors, vistas, and cramped quarters because it gets down to 28mm. If you shoot portraits, nature, or sports at close range, consider a compact 35-105mm or a 35-135mm zoom. Normal zoom positives: Equivalent to two or more single focal length lenses in a handy, responsive package, it provides intermediate focal lengths; there's less need to switch lenses. Normal zoom negatives: Moderate aperture (typically f/3.5-4.5) limits low-light shooting and focusing precision with manual focus, affects viewing brightness. Zooms tend to be larger, heavier, more expensive than 50mm lenses.

Wide-angle lenses: They range from 24mm (bordering on ultrawide) to 35mm (bordering on semiwide). As with normals, the choice is between very compact, single-focal-length lenses of relatively wide aperture (f/2-f/2.8, a few f/1.4s) and moderate-aperture zooms (around f/3.5-4.5), which provide superior framing flexibility. For positives and negatives on both types, see normal-lens section above.

Many wide zooms, such as 24-50mm, 25-50mm, 28-50mm, etc., encompass normal as well as wide-angle focal lengths, which is an advantage. A few (for example, 21-35mm, 18-28mm) combine ultrawide (21mm and below) and wide focal lengths (see ultrawide section below). Many are not much larger or heavier than a 50mm. Although 25-50mm or 21 -35mm may not sound as impressive, it's the zoom ratio (long divided by short focal length) that counts. If you need a really fast wide-angle (for example, 35mm f/1.4, 28mm f/2, 24mm f/2) for available light or shooting handheld with slow film, stick to single focal lengths.

Ultrawide-angle lenses: With focal lengths of 21mm and below in 35mm format, they provide extreme angular coverage of 90 degrees or more. Positives: Ultrawides, by virtue of low image magnification, provide great depth of field; more likely to yield sharp-looking images when handheld at slow shutter speeds. Excellent for expanding tight interior spaces, capturing vistas; for intimate photojournalism, street photography. Negatives: Apparent perspective distortion, though useful for dramatic or comic effects, is problematic in portraiture. Avoid placing subjects near edges of the frame or prominent features, such as noses, in the foreground.

Medium tele lenses: Sometimes called portrait lenses, these optics in the 85-135mm range are fine for portraiture, minimize apparent perspective distortion, and provide convenient working distance when shooting faces close up. Many tele zooms work well in this range, but they're heavier, longer, and slower than single focal length lenses. If you shoot a large percentage of portraits, you should consider getting an 85mm f/2, 100mm f/2, or 105mm f/2.5, even if you own a tele. Positives: They allow discreet photography of people without the perspective-flattening effect of long teles; single focal length type combines fast aperture, bright viewing image, good image quality. Negative: For zooms, see above; for single focal length, fairly specialized.

Long tele lenses: Traditionally, any lens over 135mm for 35mm photography is a long tele. Today, the most popular by far are zooms in the 80-200mm or 70-210mm range. Unless you need a lens that's very fast and very long (such as the optically superb but large, heavy, and very expensive 300mm and 400mm f/2.8s used by professional sports photographers), a tele zoom is the most flexible and economical choice. For many photographers, a 70-210mm f/3.5-4.5 (especially one with macro) is the only long tele they'll need. Positives: Reasonable size, weight, and price, wide range of usesónature, sports, people, portraits, scenics. Negatives: Moderate and variable aperture; mediocre performance unless stopped way down. A number of suprisingly compact 100-300mm f/5.6s are now offered for those who need a bit more reach, and there are a few fine 200-500mm f/5.6s for those who need really long teles for such things as long-distance sports close-ups. Long tele zoom negatives: larger size and weight.

Ljubljana Photo Zine

Ljubljana in Monochrome is a photo zine in black and white inspired by the Slovenian capital, which is also known for its unique vivacity and marble beauty.

This place has been a home to people from every part of the world therefore, all those different ways of living are reflected in the city's lively streets, open-air markets and small cafés.

The Ljubljana monochrome edition is my photographic interpretation of one of the most diverse cities in Europe, offering a fresh perspective on an old acquaintance.

  • - 52 pages

  • - 14cm x 20cm

  • - 28 black and white digital photographs

  • - Limited Edition Item

  • - Signed and numbered

Screenshot 2021-05-23 at 19.11.05.png

You can get it here

The Old House

If there is one thing I really love is to take photographs of old and abandoned building. No matter if big or small, if Hospital, houses or any kind of use.

Yesterday I came across a wonderful house in the Slovenian countryside, not too far from the Capital Ljubljana. Some of the rooms or the furniture had been left intact for so many years!

You could easily imagine how was living here, who lived and what he was doing, the sudden departure and the overall atmosphere!

My rules are

  • I do not take anything

  • I do not move anything, I leave everything as it is I take the picture as it is

  • I do not use extra light or flashes I do not want to disturb and do not want to “modify” the appearance just for my photo

  • I act as a guest for the few minutes I am inside

Hope you like it as much as I did!

My Photography Workshops in Slovenia

It has been a crazy year, hopefully we will be able to travel a little bit more during the summer….and hopefully in Autumn as well.

Here is a gallery of images from my Slovenia Photography Workshop that you can find here

Landscape photography – depth of field

Depth of field is the limitation of perceived sharpness within a photographic image. The greater the depth of field, the more of the image from front to back that appears sharp. An image that is said to have a shallow depth of filed has a short and more specific depth of sharpness.

In photography, careful use of depth of field can be a very powerful tool indeed. It can force viewers to focus only upon that which is sharp, by utilizing a shallow depth of field. As our eyes are not comfortable in viewing unclear images, we then tend to look at the parts of an image that is sharp, and our gaze will then focus upon that part of the image, rendering the other unsharp parts of the image as blurry and not worthy of our attention. This use of a shallow depth of field is particularly well suited to portraiture. As long as the eyes are sharp, most other things can be forgiven if they arent pin sharp. People and animals tend to look at the eyes first, and so the eyes really need to be sharp in nearly all portraiture photography.


Landscape photography is generally at the opposite end of the scale of depth of field, where the vast majority of landscape images require a very long depth of field. This is due to the fact that landscapes generally are trying emmulate an actual scene as we see it, and viewers are usually drawn into the image by its great depth of field.

Depth of field is controlled in two ways. The most commonly used is by aperture control. The smaller the aperture (the larger the number ie. F22), the greater the depth of field. The larger the aperture, (the smaller the number like F2.8), the shallower the depth of field. The apertures inbetween have a depth of field is that is directly proportionate to the aperture selected along the scale. The second means of controlling depth of field is by using a camera or lens that enables the lens to be tilted forward or back. This enables the focusing plane of the lens to be more inclined to the plane of focus of the subject matter, and hence providing a much better depth of field without a change of aperture. It is one of the major reasons for using bellows type cameras, or tilt lenses. With such a camera or lens, one can have a huge level of control over depth of field at any aperture.

Depth of field is also dictated by the focal length of the lens, and the camera format for which the lens is used. For instance, a wide angle lens always has a much greater depth of field than a telephoto lens. A very wide angled lens such as a 14mm lens has a depth of field so great that it almost doesnt require focussing, wheras a 600mm telephoto lens has an extremely shallow depth of field, and unless focussed upon long distance subject matter, the depth of field will always be very limited indeed. On the other end of the scale are macro lenses, which are made to be able to focus very closely to objects. Once you start moving in and start focussing very closely, the depth of field again becomes extremely shallow indeed. The closer you get to the subject, the less the depth of field becomes, and in extreme close-ups just the slightest movement will cause the image to go out of focus entirely.

Timisoara a Digital Nomad paradise??

Now you have heard of Bucharest, of the most impressive castle in the country, and for sure you have heard about the myth and legend of Dracula, but have you ever heard about Timisoara? It is a small town in Romania one of the Balkan States in Central Europe bordering Croatia, Hungary, Serbia, Moldovia and Ukraine. [Sources: 7, 8]

The origins of Timisoara date back to the Middle Ages, but the town has always played an important role in history due to its strategic position at a crossroads. Turks, Tatars, Austrians, Germans and Soviets have shaped the city by fusing different types of architecture. Over the decades, various other cultures of migration and conquest have ventured to this place, and there have been numerous events that show the rich heritage of the Timisoara period. Roman fortresses built around it and the ancient "Roman" fortress on which it was built. [Sources: 6, 7, 11]

Timisoara offers beautiful parks and botanical gardens, but there are many reasons to visit the city, not only because of the beauty of the city itself. In Timisoare there are also museums that can add history lovers to their program in Timiscoara. [Sources: 0]

If you are interested in history, you can take a day trip to Timisoara and visit the remains of some remarkable buildings. The entire historic centre of Timiscoara is full of attractions and beautiful after undergoing extensive restoration, with EU funds being used to preserve many of its historic buildings and monuments. [Sources: 1, 4]

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It is very close to Unirii Square and you will see the Romanian National Opera, which shares the same building. Next, cross the Carpathians to Transylvania and stop at Densus, where you will find one of the oldest Romanian churches. If you don't have a navigation system, you may have to stop in the city centre for a few minutes before you head to the next city. [Sources: 2, 4, 7]

Cafes are a big part of the trip, so it's important to find some of the most beautiful places in the area, and Timisoara is a delight. I know I would love to go back there to enjoy more time, but I am not going to do that. [Sources: 11]

Timisoara is a very cosmopolitan city, and if you ask and search for it, you can enjoy all kinds of activities, including a variety of restaurants, hotels, cafes, shops, restaurants and even a few museums. It is one of those cities that has a lot to offer and a great variety of food, entertainment, culture, art, music and more, so I can definitely make the most of it in one day. [Sources: 6, 9]

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In Timisoara you can learn about the Balkan state and the recent revolution during the day and enjoy the local atmosphere by chilling out in the rooftop bars and enjoying a few drinks in the evening. The nightlife here is anything but boring because the Romanians really know how to have fun. If you just enjoy the roofs and umbrellas, then you will go there for the night, but you will have to cross the Strada Alba Iulia 10 times and drive back to the city centre. In addition to all this, there is also a wide selection of restaurants, cafes, shops, restaurants and bars. [Sources: 0, 3, 5, 11]

This makes the different religions and cultures that live in Timisoara even more interesting, which makes it so unique and impressive. If you don't know much about the city or know many people who have visited it, you probably don't know what to do in Timisoare, but here are some of the reasons why you should enjoy this city. [Sources: 11]

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I have heard many times from people in Timisoara and Bucharest that this is the best country to live in and I could clearly see that people there like to live. What attracted me at the time was the fact that life in Romania is so much more affordable than in most countries to which one could have gone. Romania is not an expensive country and, being a good country to live in, you can live in such a city for less than half the cost of living in other countries. [Sources: 10, 11]

I think Timisoara could be the perfect place for a Digital Nomad Imagine, giving them the right to come and work from Rumania up to 6 or 9/12 months - regardless of their nationality under a special digital nomad visa,

I believe it would be a great opportunity for the city as well Many apartments that are empty outside the top season could find new tenants, that stay longer so create less work. The salaries and fees those digital nomads earn, it will be spent in Timisoara and in the country- resulting in a great boost of the economy through consumer spending!


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Today I minted the very first photograph

UPDATE 31.01.22

I have been active on NFT for more than a year and my main collections are here


Finally today I minted my very first NFTs at OpenSea. It is a newly created photograph called “DropsOnFlower” and you can find it here.


These are the reasons behind this decision.

First I believe in Innovation and there is no reason not to try, second I like to challenge myself and to understand what is behind and NFT and been a very interesting couple of weeks!

Then there are the following more complex reasons….

The cryptocurrency world has been making headlines recently, with Bitcoin hitting a new record high, and last week I sold proof — for — of ownership of Blockchain Ethereum. [Sources: 15, 18]

The graphic designer Mike Winkelmann, better known in the online art world as Beeple, has created a work of art called “Everyday First 5,000 Days.” The artwork, entitled “daily first 5000 days,” is a collage of over 5,000 images created by Beepsle. All collages known as Everyday First 5000 days are fully digital, and the artwork is entitled Everyday First 5000 days. [Sources: 0, 15, 18] Christie’s is auctioning “Everyday, First 5000 Days”

It consists of 5,000 individual images taken daily between 2007 and 2021 and posted to the artist’s Instagram. The work is a collage of over 5000 futuristic images that Winkelmann, 39, may have created during his time as a graphic artist and graphic designer. [Sources: 19, 21]

In an Instagram post , Winkelmann said the work being auctioned by Christie’s was coined as NFT by MakersPlace, a digital creation platform, and verified on the blockchain. He said: “When you create an NFT, it is placed on a blockchain, it is stamped every time and therefore makes it impossible to identify digital property, even if there is no physical copy of the piece. [Sources: 4, 21]

The process of turning a work into an NFT is known as embossing, which refers to the creation of a new token on the blockchain that ties in with the content forever. In this ever-growing series of blocks that are constantly being created to represent new transactions, you are writing off your ownership of the N FT. [Sources: 1, 20]

I first explored the potential of this new asset long ago when I heard of Meni Rosenfeld that wrote an essay entitled “An overview of coloured coins. The nude portrait generated by AI, an image generated by AI that was originally purchased three years ago for $0.46 in Ethereum ($176) and sold for over $100 ($112,717) this year. [Sources: 3, 14]

NFTs became technically possible when the Ethereum blockchain added support for them as part of a new standard. ERC-721 was created to create rules on how non-fungible tokens work on the blockchain of Ethereum. This crypto spirit continues today, as Gramatik, the world’s first and most popular cryptocurrency mining platform, has released its first NFT called Vitalik Buren. In their first official N FT case, they have made the name available to the public for the first time in Ethereum’s history. [Sources: 2, 7, 12]

By comparison, according to a report by DappRadar, the first NFT collection built on a blockchain took three years to reach a sale price of more than $100,000. Many N-FTs are selling for unprecedented amounts — $90 million was sold in February alone. Beeple, which was described as a “1-to-1” piece in its first 5,000 days, is one of many NFTs that sold for around $1,500 apiece, or $3,300 apiece, in just a few months. In recent weeks, numerous Nft marketplaces have emerged that focus on digital art, with NiftyGateway, owned by the Winklevoss Twins, and SuperRare leading the way not to mention OpenSea that is the largest. [Sources: 9, 15, 17]

Many believe that the first — ever NFTs are connected to an Ethereum — based game called CryptoKitties, which came to market in late 2017. Canadian company Dapper Labs released a new version in 2017, in which players could buy and trade one of a kind of animated cat. Beeple, a dopey-looking cartoon cat created by them, debuted in February 2017 on NiftyGateway for a price of $1,500 apiece, or $3,300 apiece. [Sources: 0, 13, 22]

CryptKitties was introduced but has since switched to its own blockchain to make it easier for cryptocurrencies — newcomers — to access. The first NFTs created in 2017 are called “crypto-identities,” a set of unique identities that register on the blockchain, where people buy and collect. [Sources: 6, 8]

Created in 2016 by Trevor Andrew, the Gucci Ghost is heading to the Nifty Gateway, where unofficial “Gucci — printed” NFTs start at $2,500. The NBA’s top shots, pictured below, are also being auctioned off as N FTs, and the hype for 2021 comes from the cryptokick token, which is not yet widely available. [Sources: 10, 11]























