Overcoming the Awkwardness: Tips for Street Photographers

Street photography is one of the most honest and raw forms of artistic expression. It’s a way to freeze fleeting moments, tell untold stories, and immortalize the soul of a place. But, as many budding photographers can relate, there’s an underlying question: How do you manage the awkwardness of photographing strangers in public?

Let’s address this head-on, blending practical advice with a mindset shift that will help you step confidently into the streets with your camera.

1. Embrace the Awkwardness

Let’s start by normalizing the discomfort—it’s completely natural to feel nervous about pointing a camera at strangers. This unease stems from a mix of self-consciousness and a sense of intrusion. Acknowledge this feeling, but don’t let it hold you back. With time, you’ll realize that most people are too absorbed in their own world to notice, let alone mind, your presence.

2. Blend In, Don’t Stand Out

One concern you raised is the size of your camera. Large DSLRs can indeed feel obtrusive, especially in intimate settings. Consider a more discreet setup:

Compact cameras like the Leica Q2 or Fujifilm X100 series are excellent for street photography.

Alternatively, use a smartphone for candids if you want to stay entirely unnoticed.

What you wear also matters. Dress casually to blend into the environment rather than drawing attention to yourself.

3. Focus on Context Over Faces

You don’t always need to get in someone’s face to capture the essence of a community. Look for interesting compositions, shadows, reflections, and interactions that don’t require a close-up. This approach allows you to tell a story without making anyone feel uncomfortable.

4. Start with Busy, Touristy Areas

Busier locations are often more forgiving for photographers. People expect cameras in these spaces, making it easier to experiment without standing out. Think markets, squares, or street festivals—there’s a vibrant energy in these spots, and your presence will feel more natural.

5. Be Respectful and Observe the Culture

When traveling abroad, respect local customs and sensitivities. In some countries, people might be open to being photographed; in others, it’s seen as intrusive.

If you’re nervous, start with street performers or vendors. They’re often more accustomed to being photographed.

If someone catches your eye, a friendly smile or a simple hand gesture seeking permission can work wonders.

6. Perfect the Art of Candid Shots

If you’re still nervous about “whipping out a camera,” practice candid photography techniques like zone focusing and shooting from the hip. These methods allow you to capture authentic moments discreetly.

7. Frame the Experience as a Collaboration

One way to reduce nervousness is to see your street photography as a mutual exchange. You’re not just “taking” a photo; you’re preserving a moment that reflects the humanity and culture of the place.

8. Gradually Push Your Comfort Zone

Begin by photographing Overcoming the Awkwardness: Tips for Street Photographers Capturing the Raw Beauty of Communities Abroad and situations that feel less intimidating. As you grow more comfortable, challenge yourself with slightly bolder shots. With each step, your confidence will grow.

Final Thoughts: It’s About the Connection, Not Perfection

Street photography is about observing life and connecting with it, not just through your lens but through your perspective. The nervousness you feel now is a sign that you care about doing justice to the communities you capture.

So, do you just need to “get over it”? Not entirely. Instead, channel that nervous energy into refining your approach. Start small, stay respectful, and remember that every seasoned street photographer once stood where you are now.

Before long, your camera won’t feel like a barrier—it’ll feel like an extension of your vision.


With the assistance of a fantastic friend, I embarked on a new photographic endeavour.

While the project will be mainly photographic in style, featuring portraits in black and white and primarily taken using Leica cameras, it will also include video. We will also be collecting stories, anecdotes, memories, ideas, views, experiences, and recipes from locals in our neighbourhood over the next few months, which we will post on this website.

Specifically, we will focus on an "extended" Orseg area that may include the Slovenian Raab-Goricko. We will not necessarily be looking for people born in Orseg but may have relocated here; whether it has been 30 years or 2 months, it does not matter.

We will be looking for interesting folks that are either creating something unique or have a compelling tale to tell.


Belekezdtem egy új fotós projektbe egy fantasztikus barátommal.

Leginkább fotós elemei lesznek fekete-fehér portrékkal, amelyeket elsősorban Leica kamerákkal készítünk, de lesznek benne videók is. Emellett történeteket, anekdotákat, emlékeket, ötleteket, látványokat, tapasztalatokat és recepteket is gyűjteni fogunk a helybéliektől az elkövetkező néhány hónapban, amelyeket megosztunk ezen a weboldalon.

Konkrétan szólva Őrség „kiterjesztett” területére fogunk összpontosítani, amely magában foglalhatja a szlovén Raab-Goričko régiót is. Nem feltétlenül csak olyan embereket fogunk keresni, akik Őrségben születtek, hanem akik át lettek ide telepítve, nem számít, hogy 30 éve vagy 2 hónapja.

Érdekes embereket fogunk keresni és felfedezni, akik vagy valami egyedit alkotnak, vagy pedig van egy lebilincselő történetük.


S pomočjo fantastičnega prijatelja sem se lotil novega fotografskega projekta.

Čeprav bo projekt v glavnem fotografski s črno-belimi portreti, ki bodo posneti predvsem s fotoaparati Leica, bo zajel tudi video vsebine. Prav tako bomo v naslednjih nekaj mesecih zbirali zgodbe, anekdote, spomine, ideje, razglede, izkušnje in recepte od domačinov v naši soseščini, ki jih bomo objavili na tej spletni strani.

Natančneje se bomo osredotočili na »razširjeno« območje Őrséga, ki bi lahko vključevalo tudi slovensko pokrajino Raab-Goričko. Ne bomo iskali le ljudi, ki so bili rojeni v Őrségu, ampak tudi tiste, ki so bili preseljeni oziroma premeščeni na to območje, ne glede na to, ali je minilo 30 let ali 2 meseca.

Iskali bomo zanimive ljudi, ki bodisi ustvarjajo nekaj edinstvenega ali imajo osupljivo zgodbo.