Unveiling Őrség: A Journey Through Portraits and Stories

In the tranquil expanse of Hungary’s Őrség National Park, a tapestry of human stories unfolds. My recent project, "The People of Őrség," aims to capture the essence of this region through the lens of black-and-white photography. This collection is a labor of love, offering an intimate glimpse into the lives of those who call this enchanting area home.

The Heartbeat of Őrség

Őrség, with its rolling hills, dense forests, and quaint villages, is a place where time seems to slow down. Yet, it is the people who truly define its spirit. From elders who have witnessed the changing tides of history to new settlers seeking solace in its serene landscapes, each individual in this series has a unique story to tell.

Through this project, I had the privilege of meeting artisans, farmers, and dreamers. Their faces, etched with the lines of experience and the glow of resilience, tell tales of tradition and transformation. In the portraits, you will find the quiet dignity of a potter’s hands, the determined gaze of a shepherd, and the warm smile of a grandmother sharing her legacy.

Beyond Borders

This journey also extends into the neighboring Slovenian Raab-Goričko region, where the cultural tapestry continues to weave its intricate patterns. Here, too, the stories are abundant and the faces familiar yet distinct, each contributing to a broader narrative of life in this corner of Europe.

The Power of Black and White

Choosing to shoot in black and white was a deliberate decision. This timeless medium strips away distractions, allowing the viewer to focus on the raw emotion and character of each subject. The play of light and shadow brings out the depth of their experiences, creating a powerful connection between the viewer and the person behind the photograph.

A Celebration of Humanity

"The People of Őrség" is more than a collection of images; it celebrates humanity in its purest form. It is about capturing fleeting moments, preserving them for posterity, and honoring the past while looking toward the future. Each portrait is a testament to the enduring spirit of the Őrség community and a reminder of the beauty in every human story.

I invite you to explore this collection and immerse yourself in the world of Őrség. Let the faces and stories inspire you, as they have inspired me.

To view the entire collection and learn more about the remarkable individuals featured in this project, visit The People of Őrség.

The Beautiful Life!

Leen and Wouter moved to Rönök from Belgium 9 years ago, wanting to settle in an area that would allow them to live close contact with nature, which they love and respect, and live a self-sufficient life.
They bought land in the area, and for a brief time, they rented to tourists some of the buildings on the estate, but soon they decided to concentrate all their efforts in making it the perfect environment for raising animals, cows and chickens, and grow vegetables. They also started building their own house, with traditional methods and using stray and clay, and wood and the pretty-as-a-picture building is almost finished. Now they happily share their land with a herd of 9 beautiful Jersey cows, who happily graze in the fields in spring and summer, with a rotation system that allows them to access a fresh patch of grass every day. The rich milk produced by the girls, how Leen and Wouter call them - and of course, they call each one of them by their names - is then transformed with patient labour and lots of love into different varieties of cheese, highly regarded by their many regular customers.
Three years ago, Leen and Wouter welcomed their first child, Emil, and a new baby is now on the way....

Hungarian 🇭🇺

Leen és Wouter 9 évvel ezelőtt költöztek Belgiumból Rönökre, olyan helyen szerettek volna élni, ahol az általuk annyira tisztelt és imádott természettel szimbiózisban lehetnek és önellátó életmódot folytathatnak. Vettek egy földterületet, ahol az ott található épületeket turistáknak adták ki, ám nem sokkal később áttértek az állattenyésztésre. Olyan környezetet szerettek volna kialakítani, ami tökéletes élőhely lehet a marháknak, csirkéknek és különféle zöldségek termesztésének, teljes figyelmüket ennek a célnak szentelték. Saját otthonuk építésébe is belefogtak, amelyhez kizárólag tradicionális módszereket és alapanyagokat használtak fel, többek között fát és vályogot, mostanra az mézeskalácsház már majdnem elkészült. A birtokukon boldogságban együtt élnek a 9 gyönyörű Jersey tehénből álló csordájukkal, akik a tavaszi és nyári időszakban a vetésforgónak köszönhetően mindig találnak maguknak legelhető területet friss fűvel. A ‘Lányok’ - ahogyan Leen és Wouter általánosságban hivatkozik a tehenekre (fontos, hogy mindegyiknek saját neve is van) - rengeteg tejjel látják el őket. Ebből időigényes és bonyolult technikák alkalmazásával és sok-sok szeretettel különféle sajtokat készítenek, majd ezeket eladásra kínálják, számos törzsvásárlóval büszkélkedhetnek. A párnak három évvel ezelőtt született meg az első gyermeke, Emil. Hamarosan pedig a negyedik családtag is megérkezik. 

Slovenian 🇸🇮

Leen in Wouter sta se v Rönök iz Belgije preselila pred devetimi leti, saj sta se želela ustaliti na območju, ki bi jima omogočalo tesen stik z naravo, ki jo ljubita in spoštujeta, in hkrati samozadostno življenje. Na tem območju sta kupila zemljišče in za kratek čas turistom oddajala nekatere stavbe na posestvu, vendar sta se kmalu odločila, da bosta ves svoj trud usmerila v to, da bi na tem območju ustvarila popolno okolje za rejo živali, krav in piščancev, ter pridelavo zelenjave. Začela sta tudi graditi svojo hišo, in sicer po tradicionalnih metodah in z uporabo brezdelja in gline ter lesa, pri čemer je zgradba, lepa kot slika, že skoraj končana. Zdaj si zemljo z veseljem delita s čredo devetih čudovitih krav Jersey, ki se spomladi in poleti z veseljem pasejo na njivah po sistemu rotacije, kar jim omogoča vsakodnevni dostop do sveže trave. Bogato mleko, ki ga pridelajo dekleta, kot jim pravita Leen in Wouter - in seveda vsako od njih kličeta po imenu -, se s potrpežljivim delom in veliko ljubezni predela v različne vrste sira, ki so zelo cenjene pri njunih številnih stalnih strankah. Pred tremi leti sta Leen in Wouter pozdravila svojega prvega otroka, Emila, zdaj pa je na poti nov....

You can find them here https://www.facebook.com/szedervirag/


A Dream Come True

In the heart of Vendvidék, in Örseg National Park, in Apátistvánfalva, Adam and his family-run since 11 years the beautiful Apát Panzió and Etterem.
It had always been his parents' dream to open a tourist accommodation in a beautiful area of the Country.
During a visit to the area in 2008, they were struck by its beauty and decided that this was the perfect place.
They bought an older building already in use for guests, and after a lengthy refurbishment in 2010, Apát Panzió in 2010 was opened.
Adam ran it with his wife Kinga for a few years, then his brother Zoltán and his wife Kati joined what is now a thriving family enterprise and a reference point for tourists and locals alike.

Hungarian 🇭🇺

Az Őrségi Nemzeti Park szívében a vendvidéki Apátistvánfalván Ádám és családja 11 éve üzemelteti az Apát Panziót  és Éttermet. A gondolat, hogy az ország e varázslatos szegletében saját panzió kerüljön felépítésre valójában Ádám szüleiben fogalmazódott meg, ők szerettek volt egész életükön át ide költözve maradandót alkotni. Egy 2008 táján tett látogatás során, teljesen magával ragadta őket a hely szépsége és úgy érezték megtalálták a tökéletes helyet álmaik valóra váltásához. Megvettek egy már korábban is vendégházként funkcionáló, öregebb épületet és hosszas felújítási munkálatokat követően kapuikat 2010-ben nyitották meg. A panziót kezdetben Ádám és felesége, Kinga vezette, majd néhány éve a testvére Zoltán és felesége Kati is csatlakozott a csapathoz, így vált mára egy valódi virágzó családi vállalkozássá. Mára a helyiek és a turisták számára is meghatározó jelentőséggel bíró szálláshelyről beszélhetünk. 

Slovenian 🇸🇮

V osrčju Vendvidéka, v narodnem parku Örseg, v kraju Apátistvánfalva, Adam in njegova družina že 11 let vodijo čudoviti Apát Panzió in Etterem. Od nekdaj so bile sanje njegovih staršev odpreti turistično nastanitev na čudovitem območju dežele. Med obiskom tega območja leta 2008 ju je osupnila njegova lepota in odločila sta se, da je to popoln kraj. Kupila sta starejšo stavbo, ki se je že uporabljala za goste, in po dolgotrajni prenovi leta 2010 odprla hotel Apát Panzió. Adam ga je nekaj let vodil z ženo Kingo, nato pa sta se mu pridružila še brat Zoltán in njegova žena Kati, zdaj je pa uspešno družinsko podjetje in referenčna točka za turiste in domačine. 



Jenő was born in Baranya county, Gödreszentmárton.

He started woodworking out of necessity. While he was building his house, the carpenter who was supposed to make windows and doors fell ill, so he decided to make them himself!

He has been carving Trees of Life for many years. He has always been a keen walker, and once during a long walk, he stopped in Hejce in Zemplén County and became friends with the woodcarver Sándor Nemes, and he introduced him to making the tree of life.

He carves trees of life using the ancient Hungarian pattern treasure. His work can be seen in many parts of the country. In the summer of 2007, on the occasion of the ÁRPÁD YEAR, he organized an international creative camp; not only they created Tree of Life for 27 micro-regions, but on the closing day, they unveiled a one and a half times life statue of Prince Árpád.

Hungarian 🇭🇺

Jenő a Baranya megyei Gödreszentmártonban született.

Kényszerűségből kezdett el fafaragással foglalkozni. Miközben a házát építette, az asztalosmester, akinek az ablakokat és ajtókat kellett volna készítenie, megbetegedett, ezért úgy döntött, hogy maga készíti el azokat!

Évek óta faragja az Életfákat.

Mindig is lelkes volt, amikor gyaloglásról volt szó, és egyszer, egy hosszú séta alkalmával megállt a Zemplén megyei Hejcén, és összebarátkozott egy Nemes Sándor nevű fafaragóval, aki bevezette Jenőt az életfa-készítés tudományába.

Ősi magyar mintakincs felhasználásával farag életfákat. Munkái az ország számos pontján láthatók. 2007 nyarán, az ÁRPÁD ÉV alkalmából nemzetközi alkotótábort szervezett: nemcsak 27 kistérség életfáját készítették el, hanem a zárónapon leleplezték Árpád fejedelem másfélszeres életnagyságú szobrát is.

Slovenian 🇸🇮

Jenő se je rodil v okrožju Baranya, Gödreszentmárton.

Z obdelavo lesa se je začel ukvarjati iz potrebe. Ko je gradil svojo hišo, je mizar, ki naj bi mu izdelal okna in vrata, zbolel, zato se je odločil, da jih bo izdelal sam!

Že več let izrezuje drevesa življenja. Že od nekdaj je bil navdušen sprehajalec in nekoč se je med dolgim sprehodom ustavil v Hejcah v okrožju Zemplén in se spoprijateljil z rezbarjem Sándorjem Nemesom, ki mu je predstavil izdelavo drevesa življenja.

Drevesa življenja izrezuje po starodavnem madžarskem vzorčnem zakladu. Njegova dela si lahko ogledate v številnih delih države. Poleti 2007 je ob priložnosti leta ÁRPÁD-a organiziral mednarodni ustvarjalni tabor; ne le da so-ustvarjali drevesa življenja za 27 mikro regij, ampak so na zaključni dan odkrili tudi kip, ki je poldrugi krat večji od princa Árpáda v živo.


János in Szentgyörgyvölgy

Janos was born and raised in Budapest, where he spent his adolescent years. He showed artistic ability when he was a toddler. He had a solid desire to sketch, but the years of the Soviet rule of Hungary were difficult, and he was unable to pursue his dream of attending art school.

He had a graphic show when he was 18 years old. At the same time, he began to work as a sculptor, and by the age of 30, he had shown his work and received official acknowledgement for his efforts. He is a professional sculptor since 1985.

He lived in Zalaergseg, but he relocated his workshop to Szentgyörgyvölgy because he needed a place in the countryside to work freely due to the noise and dust created by working with marble.

He loves Lake Balaton, where he also lives. He once said, "is alpha and omega for me. I live side by side because I admire it all the time, and it calls me back in all seasons. "

Janos is well renowned and appreciated. His work can be admired in many public places around Hungary and Slovenia.

He orders the marble from the Carrara caverns in Italy, and the largest he ever made was out of a piece of marble that measured 3mt x 2mt in size.

Hungarian 🇭🇺

János Budapesten született, nőtt fel és a serdülőkorát is itt töltötte. Még csak járni tanult de már megmutatkozott a művészet iránti tehetsége. Szeretett rajzolni de a Szovjet uralom Magyarországon igen kemény volt, így nem tudta beteljesíteni az álmát, hogy művészeti iskolába járhasson.

18 évesen már volt saját rajz kiállítása. Ugyan ekkor, elkezdett szobrászkodni és 30 éves korára bemutatta a munkáit és hivatalos elismerést kapott értük. 1985-óta hivatásos szobrász. Zalaegerszegen lakott de, átköltöztette a műhelyét Szentgyörgyvölgyre mivel szüksége volt egy helyre ahol szabadon dolgozhat a munkájával járó por és zaj miatt. Imádja Balatont, jelenleg is ott él.

Egyszer ezt mondta, „Alfa és ómega számomra. Itt élek mellette mivel folyton csak csodálom, és az év 4 évszakában visszahív.” János különösen híres és elismert szobrász. A munkáit rengeteg közhelyen meg lehet csodálni Magyarországon és Szlovéniában.

A márványát Olaszországból rendeli a Carrara barlangokból, a legnagyobb munkája egy 3m x 2m-es darabból készült.

Slovenian 🇸🇮

Janos se je rodil in odraščal v Budimpešti, kjer je preživel mladostniška leta. Umetniške sposobnosti je pokazal že v otroštvu. Imel je trdno željo, da bi risal, vendar so bila leta sovjetske vladavine na Madžarskem težka in ni mogel uresničiti svojih sanj ter obiskovati umetniško šolo.

Ko je bil star 18 let, je imel grafično razstavo. Hkrati je začel delati kot kipar in do 30. leta je razstavljal svoja dela ter prejel uradno priznanje za svoje delo. Od leta 1985 je poklicni kipar.

Živel je v Zalaergsegu, vendar je svojo delavnico preselil v Szentgyörgyvölgy, ker je potreboval kraj na podeželju, kjer bi lahko svobodno delal zaradi hrupa in prahu, ki ga je povzročal pri delu z marmorjem.

Obožuje Blatno jezero, kjer tudi živi. Nekoč je dejal: "Zame je alfa in omega. Živim ob njem, ker ga ves čas občudujem, in kliče me nazaj v vseh letnih časih. "

Janos je dobro poznan in cenjen. Njegova dela je mogoče občudovati na številnih javnih mestih na Madžarskem in v Sloveniji.

Marmor naroča iz jam Carrara v Italiji, največji, ki ga je kdaj izdelal, pa je bil iz kosa marmorja, ki je meril 3m x 2m.

Rozsi + Ernő

Rozsi lives in a beautiful and rural area of Velemer, surrounded by nature. Since many years she is happily married, and her husband Ernő is the present Mayor of the village.

She tends to their vegetable garden regularly, and she precisely prepares the vegetables. They have many hens, who can roam freely on the street, around the house, and in the neighbouring fields during the afternoon of most days!

They both fondly recall a time when more people were living in the community. You might have come across farmers and workers even further up the village, and there were many sounds.

Hungarian 🇭🇺

Rózsi Velemér egy gyönyörű és falusias részén él, a természettel körülvéve.

Sok éve boldog házasságban él, férje, Ernő, pedig a falu jelenlegi polgármestere.

Rendszeresen gondozza a veteményeskertjüket, és precízen készíti el a zöldségeket.

Sok tyúkjuk van, amelyek szabadon kóborolhatnak az utcán, a ház körül és a szomszédos földeken a legtöbb nap délutánján!

 Mindketten szívesen emlékeznek vissza arra az időre, amikor még többen éltek a településen.

Találkozhattak a falutól feljebb is földművesekkel és munkásokkal, és sok hang is volt.

Slovenian 🇸🇮

Rozsi živi v čudovitem podeželskem kraju Velemer, obkroženem z naravo. Že vrsto let je srečno poročena, njen mož Ernő pa je sedanji župan vasi.

Redno skrbi za njihov zelenjavni vrt in skrbno pripravlja zelenjavo.

Imajo veliko kokoši, ki se večino dni lahko prosto sprehajajo po ulici, okoli hiše in na sosednjih poljih v popoldanskih urah!

Oba se z veseljem spominjata časov, ko je v skupnosti živelo več ljudi. Morda je obiskovalec na kmete in delavce lahko naletel še dlje v vasi, veliko pa je bilo tudi zvokov.

Irén in Velemér Orseg

Irén lives in Velemér, where she was born in the early 1930s.

Her parents built the house where she now resides between 1945 and 1956 with a great deal of love, care, and attention. In addition to Irene's love of pastel colours, most details can still be seen today.

During a wedding reception in 1956, she met Sándor, her future husband, for the first time; he had only recently returned to the area after working away in Budapest for several years. As a result of his inability to find work, his friends advised him to relocate away from the neighbourhood.

His family had, in fact, suffered as a result of Communism's repression. They had been evicted from their home and their land during the years of the "kolkhoz," a farming cooperative set up in rural areas of Hungary at the time of Soviet Union occupation.

When they were younger, they farmed their land and kept some animals, including everything from cows to pigs to chickens. Irén has fewer chickens now, but she still has a fantastic vegetable garden, which she lovingly tends to every day.

She is a mother, grandmother and great grandmother, and three generations live nearby.

Not to mention she knows how to brew an excellent coffee!

PS to read more about communism in rural areas I suggest :


Hungarian 🇭🇺

Irén Velemérben él, ahol az 1930-as évek elején született.

A házat, amelyben él, a szülei építették 1945 és 1956 között sok-sok szeretettel, gondossággal és figyelmességgel. Az eredeti kialakítás részletei még ma is láthatók Irén pasztellszínek iránti rajongása mellett. 

1956-ban egy lakodalomban találkozott először Sándorral, a jövőbeli férjével, aki csak nemrégiben tért vissza a környékre, miután éveken át dolgozott Budapesten. A barátai ajánlották neki, hogy költözzön el a környékről, mert itt nem tudott munkát találni.

A családja a kommunista elnyomás áldozata volt. Ki lettek lakoltatva az otthonukból és a birtokukról a „kolhoz” idők alatt. A kolhozok mezőgazdasági szövetkezetek voltak Magyarország vidéki területein az orosz megszállás idejében. 

Amikor fiatalabbak voltak művelték a földjüket és számos állatot tartottak a tehenektől és a disznóktól kezdve a csirkékig. Irénnek már csak néhány csirkéje van, de van egy csodálatos zöldséges kertje, amelyet minden nap szeretettel gondoz. 

A családjának három nemzedéke él a közelben, akiknek anyja, nagyanyja és dédnagyanyja.

Ráadásul kiváló kávét tud főzni! !

Slovenian 🇸🇮

Irén živi v Veleméru, kjer se je rodila v zgodnjih tridesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja.

Hišo, v kateri zdaj prebiva, so njeni starši zgradili med letoma 1945 in 1956 z veliko ljubezni, skrbi in pozornosti. Poleg Iréninega navdušenja nad pastelnimi barvami je še danes mogoče videti detajle prvotnega oblikovanja.

Leta 1956 je na svadbi prvič srečala Sándorja, svojega bodočega moža, ki se je šele pred kratkim vrnil na to okolico, saj je pred tem kar nekaj časa delal v Budimpešti. Prijatelji so mu svetovali, naj se preseli iz soseske, ker ni mogel najti delo.

Njegova družina je bila žrtev komunistične represije. V letih »kolhozov«, kmetijskih proizvajalnih organizacij, ustanovljenih na podeželskih območjih Madžarske v času ruske okupacije, so jih izselili iz njihovega doma in posesti.

Ko sta bila mlajša, sta obdelovala svojo zemljo in gojila številne živali, vse od krav in prašičev pa do kokoši. Irén ima zdaj le manjše število kokoši, ima pa še vedno fantastičen zelenjavni vrt, za katerega z ljubeznijo skrbi vsak dan.

Je mama, babica in prababica, v bližini živijo tri generacije njene družine.

Povrhu vsega zna skuhati odlično kavo!

Check Örsegi page here


With the assistance of a fantastic friend, I embarked on a new photographic endeavour.

While the project will be mainly photographic in style, featuring portraits in black and white and primarily taken using Leica cameras, it will also include video. We will also be collecting stories, anecdotes, memories, ideas, views, experiences, and recipes from locals in our neighbourhood over the next few months, which we will post on this website.

Specifically, we will focus on an "extended" Orseg area that may include the Slovenian Raab-Goricko. We will not necessarily be looking for people born in Orseg but may have relocated here; whether it has been 30 years or 2 months, it does not matter.

We will be looking for interesting folks that are either creating something unique or have a compelling tale to tell.


Belekezdtem egy új fotós projektbe egy fantasztikus barátommal.

Leginkább fotós elemei lesznek fekete-fehér portrékkal, amelyeket elsősorban Leica kamerákkal készítünk, de lesznek benne videók is. Emellett történeteket, anekdotákat, emlékeket, ötleteket, látványokat, tapasztalatokat és recepteket is gyűjteni fogunk a helybéliektől az elkövetkező néhány hónapban, amelyeket megosztunk ezen a weboldalon.

Konkrétan szólva Őrség „kiterjesztett” területére fogunk összpontosítani, amely magában foglalhatja a szlovén Raab-Goričko régiót is. Nem feltétlenül csak olyan embereket fogunk keresni, akik Őrségben születtek, hanem akik át lettek ide telepítve, nem számít, hogy 30 éve vagy 2 hónapja.

Érdekes embereket fogunk keresni és felfedezni, akik vagy valami egyedit alkotnak, vagy pedig van egy lebilincselő történetük.


S pomočjo fantastičnega prijatelja sem se lotil novega fotografskega projekta.

Čeprav bo projekt v glavnem fotografski s črno-belimi portreti, ki bodo posneti predvsem s fotoaparati Leica, bo zajel tudi video vsebine. Prav tako bomo v naslednjih nekaj mesecih zbirali zgodbe, anekdote, spomine, ideje, razglede, izkušnje in recepte od domačinov v naši soseščini, ki jih bomo objavili na tej spletni strani.

Natančneje se bomo osredotočili na »razširjeno« območje Őrséga, ki bi lahko vključevalo tudi slovensko pokrajino Raab-Goričko. Ne bomo iskali le ljudi, ki so bili rojeni v Őrségu, ampak tudi tiste, ki so bili preseljeni oziroma premeščeni na to območje, ne glede na to, ali je minilo 30 let ali 2 meseca.

Iskali bomo zanimive ljudi, ki bodisi ustvarjajo nekaj edinstvenega ali imajo osupljivo zgodbo.

Holy Trinity Church in Velemer frescos by Janos Aquila, Orseg, Hungary

The Holy Trinity church was erected in the 13th century in Velemer, County Vas Hungary .

DJI_0268 copy-1563219778804.jpg

The rectangular aisleless church, to which a tower is attached on the north facade, is aligned east to west, as typical of medieval times. While carrying elements of Romanesque style it also has some Gothic elements . The walls of the church are built of both brick and stone. It is adorned by an arched cornice, with corbels carved with human faces, representing the various sins, supporting the roof.

The frescoes in the church were painted by János Aquila of Radkesburg from 1377 to 1378.

The church was used by the Calvinist church from the mid-17th century, and was re-Catholicised in 1733. It was abandoned in 1808.

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The frescos have worn over the centuries, but among the surviving fragments of the sanctuary the symbols of the four gospels are easily found - the lion representing Mark, the eagle John, the angel Matthew, and the oxen Luke. On the sanctuary's north wall, a self-portrait of Aquila himself can even be made out. The window recess of the sanctuary is decorated with floral and herbal motifs.

Above is a depiction of the Veil of Veronica with the likeness of Christ. The threefold circle in the pinnacle of the sanctuary side of the triumphal arch symbolises the Holy Trinity. The image of Christ the Judge is outside the central piece, while the images to the right and left symbolise good and evil deeds. Below and to one side, a cavalry scene can be made out, and St Anne with Mary and the child Jesus can be seen on the opposite side.

The church dedicated to the Holy Trinity (Szentháromság) and to King St Stephen (Szent István király) is located towards the southeast edge of town, away from the main road.

A Soaring Symbol: The Eagle in Aquila's Frescoes

One cannot discuss Aquila's work without noting the compelling presence of the eagle. In many cultures and religious traditions, the eagle symbolises strength, renewal, and spiritual ascension. Its inclusion in Aquila's frescoes could serve multiple symbolic purposes:

  1. Divine Connection: The eagle, with its ability to soar towards the heavens, is often seen as a messenger or intermediary between the divine and the earthly realm. Its presence in the frescoes may signify the spiritual journey from the mortal world to the divine, echoing the Christian belief in resurrection and eternal life.

  2. Personal Emblem: Given that 'Aquila' translates to 'eagle' in Latin, the artist's use of this symbol could also be a personal signature, a way of marking his work with a visual emblem that is both deeply meaningful and reflective of his own name. This interplay between the artist's identity and the symbolic imagery enriches the narrative woven into the frescoes.

  3. Guardianship and Vigilance: In Christian iconography, the eagle is also associated with St. John the Evangelist, symbolizing clarity of vision and spiritual insight. Its inclusion might suggest a thematic focus on the Gospels' messages and a call to vigilance in faith.

Deciphering the Frescoes: Layers of Meaning

Like the eagle within the Velemer church, the frescoes invite viewers to explore layers of meaning woven together with theological themes and personal stories. These artworks are more than mere decorations; they are visual sermons, teaching and inspiring those who gaze upon them.

Janos Aquila's mastery lies in blending traditional Christian iconography with local cultural motifs, creating a tapestry that speaks universally and specifically to the community for whom it was made. The frescoes serve as a bridge, connecting the earthly to the divine, the individual to the community, and the past to the present.

Reflecting on the Past, Inspiring the Future

For photographers and art enthusiasts, the frescoes offer a unique study in the power of visual storytelling. Through his use of colour, composition, and symbolism, Aquila invites us into a reflective dialogue with our spiritual and artistic journeys.

Exploring the frescoes of the Velemer church is not just an academic exercise; it's a pilgrimage into the heart of human creativity and divine inspiration. Janos Aquila's work challenges us to look beyond the surface, to find meaning in the symbols that surround us, and to appreciate the profound connection between art, faith, and life.

My post about Martjanci church is here

#Ancient_monument #Hungary #műemlék #Temple #templom

Jeruzalem vineyards (Slovenia) and Varazdin (Croatia)

From our location in Orseg in Hungary is very easy to organise a one day photography tour in Slovenia and Croatia, visiting two interesting areas,

JERUZALEM (Slovenia)

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Legend has it, that crusaders on their way to the holy land, stopped on one of these beautiful hills to rest. Here they were met by hospitable locals, that offered them good wine, and that is when they decided never to leave this place. They claimed the region as their own and named it Jeruzalem. And to this day it remains one of the most striking places with one of the most spectacular views over the surrounding vineyards.

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Today, Jeruzalem is an idyllic village, which is built around the church Of our Lady of Sorrows (1652). The church was named after the painting of the Mother of Sorrows, for which it was claimed, that it has been brought here by the crusaders, directly from the Holy land (Jerusalem, Palestine) in the 13th century. Next to the church you can find the Jeruzalem mansion, which has been converted into a boutique hotel with a rich botanical garden.Varaždin is the city of baroque, young people, music, flowers and bicycles. „Little Vienna“ with rich natural legacy interwoven in parks, a must see destination, located in the North of Croatia on the southern bank of the River Drava.

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They take their wines very seriously here and a lot of families live off a combination of wine production and tourism. Therefore it is no surprise that the area is famous for its high quality wines with long traditions. Thanks to the great diversity and varieties of white wines produced in this area, you can truly say that Jeruzalem-Ljutomer-Ormož is a true symphony of whites! Wine lovers, and especially white wines lovers, will discover a true Slovenian paradise here among incredible nature.

VARAZDIN (Croatia)

With 46.946 inhabitants and the average annual temperature of 10°C, the city of Varaždin is one of the most attractive destinations to live in or to visit in Croatia. It is the tourist, cultural, economical, educational and sporting centre of North-western Croatia.


The nine-times winner of the award presented by the National Tourism Board, the nomination for the Golden Flower of Europe and holder of 11 „Green Flowers“; the national award, all for the most ordered, appointed and maintained destination, speak in favour of Varaždin being the city of pleasant emotions.

The city of angels, colourful and magical events; the most famous ones Špancirfest - the Street Festival of good emotions in summer and the classical music festival -Varaždin Baroque Evenings which celebrates music, baroque architectural inheritance and authentic instruments, in autumn.

Not to mention a lovely lunch in Vidovec based on Sarma and some great slovenian or Croatian wine!

The Municipality of Vidovec is known for production of Varaždin cabbage which takes primary place in the production of agricultural products, while other cultures include potatoes, pumpkin, celery and kale. Cabbage is planted on a surface of 251.692 ha and its production has a longstanding tradition.


European Bison in Hungary

The European bison, the largest land mammal on our continent, was severely hunted until it finally became extinct in the wild in 1927. By then, only 54 individuals remained, all in captivity.

Since then many things have been done to bring back the European bison to its ancestral lands by establishing new wild bison populations in several of our rewilding areas, and creating new breeding stations.

The bison is not only endangered and in strong need of more space to roam, it is also what is called a “keystone” species in Europe’s ecosystems. Its grazing and browsing behaviour opens up bush land into open mosaic landscapes and its trampling and manure creates space for hundreds of other species. The bison is simply a biodiversity enforcer that we really need out there.

Choose the return and expansion of the European bison to where they once belonged, like in Hungary,  Romania, Bulgaria, Poland and Slovakia.

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Why I left Venice for the Countryside!

Sometimes you explore a new place and are surprised to feel so at home. A feeling deep down in your gut that you belong there. And everything just seems to flow together. This is what happened between me and the rural countryside in Hungary, I have not chosen the place but is Orseg that  has finally  chosen me!



Although I lived in Venice and Milan not to mention many years in London and Edinburgh, I spent most of my life living in a home with small/medium/big gardens. I have great memories with friends and family… 

Now I live half time in Ljubljana the pretty capital of Slovenia and in Őrségi Nemzeti Park in Hungary

Like me, you may be someone who spent most of your life in the big city and wondered what it would be like to live in the country. Here are my top 3 reasons why I left Venice and found myself at home in the rural countryside.

#1 Too many people, cars and buildings

Living in Venice was giving me a touch of claustrophobia. Walking stuck in a herd of a hundred people on the sidewalk is a nightmare to me.

Some big cities are much more sprawling, but certain things you can’t escape. I lived in London and you’ll drive for an hour and all housing subdivisions look the same, every neighbourhood has the same Big Chain stores, and the streets get jam-packed during rush hour.

Is that how we’re meant to spend our time? I really don’t think so.

Let me tell you, today I live in the country. When I need to drive into town, I pass acres of farms, foxes, deer, sunflowers fields exploding up from the horizon. 



#2 There’s too much smog in the city

It’s not normal or healthy to be surrounded by smog. This sounds obvious but millions of people choose to do so.

Breathing in dirty, dusty sand is bad enough. But heavy smog from industrial pollution is deadly serious to your health. Respiratory problems, skin conditions, cancer, and other damaging effects are to be expected when you live in a cloud of toxic pollution. Plus, if you are going to spend money to live somewhere – shouldn’t it be pleasing to the eyes?

I found Venice extremely polluted and I could not stay without using my inhalers at least twice a day

And this isn’t a static condition. It’s something that gets worse every single day. 

#3 Where are people going to wish they lived in 5-10 years?

After having lived in Venice for a few years, I greatly appreciate the quiet country life. When people come to visit, you can see the stress melting off them. 

I am more creative, I can think more freely and see the world and what is around me in a better more relaxed way, I am not upset all the time, I love it!

I tend to meet more real people with real problems, Social media is less important but stopping and having a coffee or a Palinka is very much appreciated. You may cue in a small grocery store for 20 min because of chats but quality of life is more relaxed, there is a different perception of time. I appreciate more what I have got and what I really need, I am much more closer to a minimalistic way of life... and I am experimenting again the  100 thing you posses or rule 333. There is no luxury, dress code, fashion, etc you are considered for what you really are and what you do and not for how you "appear".

For these reasons and more, I feel that areas like this will be among the most hotly contested within the next decade. Things are getting weird quick in the big cities. People are getting fed up and they want out.  

Claim a spot while you can!