Capture the Timeless Beauty of Budapest This November

Are you passionate about photography and looking for an inspiring experience to elevate your skills? This November, join us in the heart of Europe for an exclusive photography workshop in the enchanting city of Budapest. Tailored for enthusiasts of black and white and film photography, this workshop offers a unique opportunity to capture the city's essence in its most atmospheric season.

Why Budapest in November?

As autumn gracefully transitions into winter, Budapest transforms into a city of stunning contrasts and soft hues. The misty mornings and early sunsets provide ideal lighting conditions for black and white photography, highlighting the intricate details of the city's architecture and landscapes. From the grandeur of the Hungarian Parliament Building to the serene banks of the Danube River, every corner of Budapest becomes a canvas for your artistic expression.

Embrace the Art of Black and White Film Photography

In our digital age, shooting with film is a refreshing journey back to the roots of photography. This workshop encourages you to slow down and truly connect with your subject matter. You'll learn to:

  • Master manual settings on your film camera for optimal exposure.

  • Develop a keen eye for composition, texture, and contrast.

  • Process your own film in a darkroom setting, embracing the magic of seeing your images come to life.

Whether you're a seasoned film photographer or a curious beginner, our expert instructors will guide you every step of the way.

Experience the Magic of Budapest's Christmas Market

Starting from November 17th, the city lights up with the festive spirit of the Christmas Market. The squares are adorned with twinkling lights, traditional Hungarian crafts, and the alluring scents of seasonal treats. It's a photographer's paradise for capturing candid moments, vibrant colors (even in black and white!), and the warm glow of the holiday season amidst the crisp air.

What the Workshop Includes

  • Hands-On Instruction: Personalized guidance from a professional photographer with years of experience.

  • Photowalks Through Iconic Locations: Explore both famous landmarks and hidden gems.

  • Flexible Scheduling: Arrange sessions at times that are most convenient for you.

Limited Spots Available – Secure Yours Today!

This exclusive one-on-one workshop is designed to provide an intimate and impactful learning experience. Don't miss out on this opportunity to refine your photography skills while exploring one of Europe's most picturesque cities during a truly magical time.

Embark on a photographic adventure that will enhance your technical abilities and inspire your creative spirit. We can't wait to create unforgettable memories with you in Budapest this November!

Budapest in Winter: Embracing the Frost with Warmth and Wonder

As the winter chill sets over the Danube, Budapest transforms into a city of warmth against the cold, its charm undiminished by the frost.

The Hungarian capital, with its blend of ancient history and vibrant modern culture, offers a winter experience that is both invigorating and serene. Here's a glimpse into what makes Budapest a must-visit destination during the colder months.

Thermal Baths: A Haven of Heat

There's no better way to fend off the winter's bite than by plunging into the steaming waters of Budapest's famed thermal baths. The Széchenyi Baths, with outdoor pools that remain open throughout winter, are a surreal experience as you swim in hot, mineral-rich waters while snowflakes gently fall around you. It’s a scene straight out of a dream and a must-capture for any photographer.

Festive Atmosphere: Christmas Markets Galore

The city buzzes with festive spirit from late November, culminating in its Christmas markets. Vörösmarty Square is at the heart of the festive action, lined with stalls that offer traditional Hungarian crafts, sizzling street food, and the sweet scent of mulled wine. The market is lit with a golden glow as evening falls, a perfect backdrop for enchanting winter photographs.

Architectural Wonders: A Snow-Capped Panorama

Budapest's architecture is a feast for the eyes, and in winter, the snow adds a majestic touch to its already impressive edifices. The Gothic Revival Parliament building, standing proudly by the riverbank, is particularly striking when dusted with frost. The Fisherman’s Bastion, with its fairytale turrets and panoramic city views, offers a pristine vantage point for photos on a clear winter's day.

Cultural Melting Pot: Museums and Galleries

Budapest's array of museums and galleries provide refuge and enlightenment for those who prefer indoor warmth. Delve into the history of the city at the Budapest History Museum or appreciate fine art at the Hungarian National Gallery. Each venue offers a wealth of subjects for photographers, from the intricate interiors to the art pieces themselves.

Cuisine: Comfort on a Plate

Hungarian cuisine is practically made for the winter palate. Hearty stews like goulash, rich in flavor and warmth, become staples. For a taste of traditional sweets, indulge in a chimney cake, freshly rolled in sugar and nuts, as it provides both a treat for the taste buds and a delightful subject for food photography.

River Danube: A Flowing Muse

A cruise along the Danube is particularly magical during the winter. The river acts as a central vein through the city, flanked by historic buildings and twinkling lights. Capture the essence of Budapest from this unique perspective, where the water reflects the city's winter glow and bridges like the Chain Bridge become illuminated gateways to the city's soul.

Closing Thoughts

Visiting Budapest in winter is an exploration of contrast—the cold against the thermal waters, the quiet of a snowfall against the buzz of festive markets, the warmth of traditional dishes against the crisp air. It's a time when every steamy breath becomes a part of the city’s living narrative, and a camera's shutter can capture the fleeting moments that make winter here an experience unlike any other.

Why Winter Is the Best Time to Visit Venice

The magical city of canals and bridges will come to life at nighttime with the illumination of the bridges and boats all dressed up in colourful lights & lanterns. At this time of year, you can also enjoy a romantic stroll along the banks of the canal as you enjoy breathtaking views of the Grand Canal.

There are fewer tourists at this time of year as the summer crowds have left, and the restaurants and shops are less crowded.

You will get a much more authentic experience of the city, especially if you're planning on visiting one of the museums and sights, as they generally have fewer visitors during the winter months. It is also cheaper and more convenient to find accommodation as it is off-season and many hotels are much cheaper during this time.

The city becomes even more romantic at night with live music from the cafes and small bars.

The weather during winter in Venice will be a bit cold (average temperature of 38°F (3°C) in January and 41°F in February), but visiting Venice in winter is quite enjoyable. Always keep yourself warm and dry during your stay in Venice.

Winter in Venice is generally between December to February, but months such as November and March can feel wintery in Venice as well. Winter in Venice means Christmas decorations and Carnival, a foggy fairy-tale world, and the occurrence of snow and lesser crowds to fight. The skies are clearer, which means you can see beautiful sunsets over the canal.

Venice is also beautifully decorated in winter, with beautiful Christmas lights and decorations throughout the city. Some many shops and cafés are open year-round, where you can relax and enjoy the Christmas atmosphere.

A visit to Venice during the winter can be very relaxing and enjoyable as you don't get as many tourists, and it can be very easy to escape the tourist areas and explore parts of the city that are usually closed to the public in summer

How to Photograph Your Winter Landscape

Winter presents a photographer with a unique set of challenges and opportunities. The cold temperature and lack of sunlight in winter can make it hard to take good photos, but they also create some beautiful effects. Snow reflects the light differently than other subjects and brings out the contrast in your images.

Take advantage of the low light and contrast of a snowy scene

If you're brave enough to go outside, you can capture some breathtaking scenes. Here are some tips that will help you photograph your winter landscape: Use the right equipment. When it's cold out, it's important to protect your camera from the cold. Bring along a protective cover for your camera and use gloves or hand warmers when handling your gear. Even if you don't feel like it's that cold, keep in mind that your fingers will get cold and start to lose feeling after just 15 minutes of exposure at 0 degrees Fahrenheit. Setting up a tripod is important because camera shake is more prevalent during very low-light situations and will result in blurry pictures that you don't want to have to deal with later on. Work fast. The only real way to capture winter light is right at sunrise or right at sunset, so work quickly when shooting those times of the day. If possible, try to time your shoot so that there is still some light left in the sky while

Play with shadows

Lighting is what makes landscapes special. There is something about the way a camera sees these natural scenes that is different from how the naked eye perceives them. The difference between a landscape photo and any other photo is the way light plays on the scene. It can be harsh, or soft, but it is always special. The most important part of photographing a landscape is getting the exposure right. This means making sure there isn't too much light or too little light on your subject. You measure this by using your camera's histogram to see if the image has bright areas, mid-tones and dark areas all in proportion to each other. While you are at it, check your overall composition as well. Try taking several photos of your subject with different exposures (your camera will do this automatically) and then choose which one looks best.

Be patient with your camera

There are a few ways to photograph the winter landscape: some more complicated than others. The following tips will help you get great winter pictures of your surroundings in any season. The first thing to remember is that with a digital camera, you can take as many pictures as you want without paying for film or worrying about whether you have enough room on your card. It's easy to shoot several frames of the same scene, and then choose the best one when you're done. Be Patient With Your Camera If you're just starting out with taking pictures, it can be tough to get everything lined up perfectly on the first shot. When photographing the winter landscape, it might be tempting to walk around the area until you have everything framed the way you want it - but if it's windy out and there isn't much snow on the ground, that could be dangerous. Be patient, and try to get everything lined up as well as possible before pressing the shutter button.

Go wide

Going wide is a photography term meaning, "zoom out." It's the opposite of getting in close. And in landscape photography, it is often the way to go. When you're photographing mountains or valleys or any other expansive vista, you want to get as much of it in your frame as possible. You want an environment that feels big and open and full of possibilities. Going wide gives that to you. The best way to do this (if you're using a standard point-and-shoot camera) is to simply zoom out all the way, which will probably put your lens out of its normal focal range. That's fine—you can switch back and forth between that and the zoomed-in view on your LCD screen until you find the combination that works for you. If you're using an SLR camera, there are a couple of extra things you can do: Stack lenses: If your lens has a smaller focal length than what you want, you can use an additional telephoto lens with it to get closer to your subject while maintaining the wide-angle view. You just have to make sure both lenses are compatible before buying them.* Use a wide-angle lens and shoot at a longer focal length: This is particularly handy

You don't need a lot of gear to take great photos of your winter landscape

There is nothing quite like a winter landscape. Trees and bushes are covered in snow and the ground is blanketed with pure white powder. It's a magical time of year, and you'll want to capture this beauty for future enjoyment. There is a lot you can do with your camera to make the most out of your winter landscape photos. You don't need a lot of gear to take great photos of your winter landscape, but there are some tricks that improve the quality of pictures significantly.

5 Beginner Tips For Shooting Winter Landscapes

Winter brings out the toughest elements in our climate, with many people putting away their camera bags ëtill early spring. But, if you do put away your camera you are missing out on the raw beauty that this magical season brings.

Here are a few tips to make the trip more enjoyable.

1. Wear the right clothes: Itís very important to wrap up warm when out and shooting winter images. The winter season brings the toughest elements, so if you are planning to spend a few days out and about always be well prepared.

2. Watch the weather: Itís very important to know what the weather is going to be like. You donít want to travel for a couple of hours and then hear a weather report that tells you that: the weather is wet for the next few days. During the winter months the weather can dramatically change in a matter of hours.

It ís always advisable to let someone know where you are going and which route youíre planning to take. If you do get injured or ever caught in a storm someone may be able to help.


3. Carry only what you need: Carry only the essentials. You donít need to upload your camera bag with every piece of equipment you own. If you are going to be out taking pictures all day you are much better off going as light as possible. Carrying a light load will also help preserve energy. You could be climbing icy rocks or crossing snow filled hills; a warm flask would serve you a lot better than a third camera.

4. Look for detail: Snow, ice and frost bring out texture and atmosphere in most subjects. The early frosty morning is an ideal time for close-up photography. The frosty morning also brings out patterns in our landscapes.

Take care where you place your camera: if you are taking pictures early in the morning try placing it at oblique angles to the sun - this will give your images strong shadows. This will also add mood to your landscape images. Once you have found the perfect spot pay extra attention to foreground interest as this will add depth to your image.

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5. Expose carefully: Snow and ice are extremely difficult to expose properly. Snow usually confuses your cameras metering system or your hand held light meter. When you take a light reading from snow you will automatically get an underexposed image. The meter will record the snow as grey.

Now is the time to start bracketing your shots. If you bracket your shots add 1 - 2 stops of light to compensate for your light meter reading. Using an 18% grey card, which I described in a previous article, should also give you a perfect light reading.

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I Love Winter!

it is a simple matter of fact that I love winter…it is never too cold. You can always wear another layer of clothes

In Hungary winter is really magic, in the countryside you can smell the wood burning fire, nature is waiting for spring. It is like being on a suspended time frame.

Winter in Orseg, Hungary

Winter in Orseg, Hungary

If you like my picture you can freely download it from Unsplash

These are 8 reasons I love winter:

  • When the first snowfall hits and you’re left gaping at the sky in wonder, captivated by the Earth’s ability to turn water into these icy sprinkles.

  • The blast of cold air that washes over you when you open your front door, filling your lungs, and you, with a renewed appreciation for that “fresh air” your mother was always telling you about.

  • The moment you step in from the cold and feel your skin tingle with appreciation.

  •  The desperation you feel when you’re sprawled out on your porch in nothing but a sweaty loincloth during a summer heat wave, wishing that winter would come early and relieve you of this slow and painful death.

  • The happiness you experience from the temporary mass extinction of bees, that allows you to frolic across fields and hang out in your backyard without fear (but with a couple of extra layers).

  •  The freedom to wear ugly-yet-comfortable sweaters without shame is enacted every time the temperature drops below 40 degrees. Let those singing reindeer shirts see the light of day, for once.

  •  The irrational feeling of success you experience when you cup two handfuls of snow together and feel them crunch into place, creating the perfect snowball.

Snow in Venice,......and it is MAGIC


Snow does not fall often in Venice and when it does, it doesn't stay on the ground for long. If you are lucky enough to be here when it snows do not waste any time and stay out as long as you can to capture magic moments!

The Island of San Giorgio Maggiore seen from Ponte della Paglia 

The Island of San Giorgio Maggiore seen from Ponte della Paglia