Mastering Image Prompts: Tips and Examples for Stunning Visuals

I am often asked about "prompts" I use to generate an AI image....

Here is an example of an image I just created minutes ago.
The idea was to create an image of a bustling, modern café interior with a lively atmosphere. Diverse people converse, work on laptops, and enjoy their time. The barista skillfully prepares drinks behind the counter, and the café has a warm and inviting decor with natural light streaming in. The details of coffee cups and freshly baked pastries add to the cozy and vibrant vibe.


In the world of AI-generated imagery, the quality of the prompt you provide is crucial. Detailed and specific prompts can lead to accurate and visually appealing results, while vague prompts may yield less desirable outcomes. In this blog post, we'll explore the art of crafting effective image prompts, complete with an example and tips to help you create stunning visuals using AI tools like DALL-E.

The Basics of Image Prompts

What is an Image Prompt? An image prompt is a detailed description provided to an AI model to generate an image. The more precise and vivid the description, the better the AI can produce an image that matches your vision.

Components of a Good Prompt

  • Scene Details: Describe the setting, environment, and atmosphere.

  • People and Activities: Specify the appearance and actions of any people in the scene.

  • Objects and Elements: Include any objects or specific elements that should be present.

  • Additional Context: Provide extra details like lighting, colors, and textures to enhance the realism.

Crafting Detailed Prompts

Describing the Scene When describing a scene, think about the overall environment. Is it indoors or outdoors? What's the mood? For instance, "A bustling, modern café with warm, inviting decor" sets a clear stage for the image.

Focusing on Activities and People Including activities and descriptions of people helps create a dynamic and engaging scene. For example, "Diverse, casually dressed people conversing, working on laptops, and chatting at tables" adds life to the image.

Incorporating Objects and Details Objects and small details bring depth to your scene. Mention items like "coffee cups in various styles, some with steam rising, and freshly baked pastries on the tables" to enrich the visual context.

Examples of Effective Image Prompts

Example 1: Cozy Café Scene

  • Prompt Description: "A bustling, modern café interior with diverse, casually dressed people conversing, working on laptops, and chatting at tables. A professional barista is skillfully preparing drinks behind the counter. Natural light streams in through large windows, creating a lively and cozy atmosphere. The café has warm and inviting decor with modern touches. Coffee cups in various styles, some with steam rising, and freshly baked pastries are on the tables. The lighting is bright and natural, enhancing the vibrant atmosphere with warm and earthy tones. The textures are highly detailed, capturing the cozy and bustling vibe of the café."

  • Generated Image: Is the image above

Tips for Optimizing Image Prompts

Be Specific and Descriptive The more specific you are, the more likely you are to get the desired outcome. Include as many relevant details as possible.

Use Vivid Imagery Paint a clear picture with your words. Use sensory language to describe how things look, feel, and even sound.

Experiment and Refine Don't be afraid to experiment with different prompts. Adjust and refine based on the results you get to achieve the perfect image.


Crafting effective image prompts is an art that can significantly enhance the quality of AI-generated visuals. By being specific, using vivid imagery, and refining your prompts, you can create stunning and accurate images. Start experimenting with your own prompts and join a community of creators sharing their results. Happy prompting!


"prompt": {
"description": "A prompt for generating an image of a bustling, modern café interior.",
"scene_details": {
"people": [
"activity": "conversing",
"location": "at tables",
"appearance": "diverse and casually dressed"
"activity": "working on laptops",
"location": "at tables",
"appearance": "focused, with coffee cups nearby"
"activity": "chatting",
"location": "at tables",
"appearance": "relaxed, enjoying their time"
"barista": {
"activity": "preparing drinks",
"location": "behind the counter",
"appearance": "professional, skillfully making coffee"
"environment": {
"natural_light": "streaming in through large windows",
"decor": "warm and inviting with modern touches",
"atmosphere": "lively and cozy"
"objects": [
"type": "coffee cups",
"location": "on tables",
"appearance": "various styles, some with steam rising"
"type": "pastries",
"location": "on tables",
"appearance": "freshly baked, assorted types"
"additional_details": {
"lighting": "bright and natural, enhancing the vibrant atmosphere",
"colors": "warm and earthy tones, creating a welcoming feel",
"textures": "highly detailed, capturing the cozy and bustling vibe of the café"
"quality": {
"resolution": "high_resolution",
"style": "ultra-realistic"
"size": "1792x1024",
"n": 1