For Sale: A Traditional Cottage in Prekmurje Slovenia

In a small settlement located in the municipality of Moravske Toplice,

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The house is beautiful and has direct access to a public asphalt road.

It was originally built in 1900 and measures a total of 57 m2 of living (usable) area, to which is added an economic part of 86.7 m2. During the last two years, the residential part has undergone many renovations, namely, new floors were completely built, electrical and plumbing installations were replaced, and all internal spaces, including the kitchen and bathroom, were renovated.

A new wastewater treatment plant was also installed. The residential part includes the following spaces: central corridor, living room, kitchen with dining room, bedroom, bathroom and multipurpose (utility) room.

If there is a need for additional living areas, the commercial part, which is otherwise brick and in good condition, can be converted into functional living areas.

The building is connected to the electricity, water and optical networks.

In the plot's background is an additional agricultural building, built in 1975, with a surface area of ​​70.5 m2, used as a garage with storage spaces.

For sale at 85,000 Euro

More info on the sale of this cottage … email me here