Acqua di San Giovanni
This is my acqua di San Giovanni (water of Saint John) made on the night between the 23rd and 24th of June.
The name Saint John is applied as the saint’s day is June 24, but the occasion is ancient, pre-Christian may be Celtic. The tradition is based on the observation of the summer solstice, and the belief that plants at that time hold their greatest energy and fecundity. These elements are thought to be charged with powerful protective powers that will ward off any ill spirits and misadventure.
At sunset on the evening of June 23, tradition says that you must wander the fields and gather up wildflowers, many herbs, grasses, plants aplenty, and of every sort, with special focus on those with perfume. The little harvest must be covered with water and put to soak outdoors overnight, ensuring that the dew of the night of Saint John enters the water. The next day upon awakening, everyone in the family must wash their hands and faces with the acqua di San Giovanni. Babies can be immersed in it.